- Lord Muck
An appellation given to a man who behaves in a perceived aristocratic mannerSee Also: Lady Muck
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Lord Muck — see under ↑muck • • • Main Entry: ↑lord … Useful english dictionary
Lord Muck — ► Lord (or Lady) Muck Brit. informal a socially pretentious man (or woman). Main Entry: ↑muck … English terms dictionary
Lord Muck — n British a man thought to be putting on airs or behaving high handedly. This expression from the turn of the 20th century is now probably less prevalent than the female equivalent, Lady Muck. ► Well, won t you just look at them Lord and Lady… … Contemporary slang
Lord Muck — see muck. → lord … English new terms dictionary
Lord Muck — Noun. The depreciatory name for a pompous conceited man. The female equivalent being Lady Muck … English slang and colloquialisms
Lord Muck — /lɔd ˈmʌk/ (say lawd muk) noun a man who affects the manner of a grand gentleman, usually in an overbearing and unconvincing manner …
Lord Muck — Man who (perhaps wrongly) believes himself to be of consequence … A concise dictionary of English slang
muck — ► NOUN 1) dirt or rubbish. 2) manure. ► VERB 1) (muck up) informal spoil. 2) (muck about/around) Brit. informal behave in a silly or aimless way. 3) ( … English terms dictionary
lord — noun a man of noble rank or high office. ↘(Lord) (in the UK) a title given formally to a baron, and less formally to a marquess, earl, or viscount (prefixed to a family or territorial name). ↘(the Lords) the House of Lords, or its members… … English new terms dictionary
muck — 1. See Lord Muck. 2. as muck Extremely. ♣ Common as muck. Very common. 3. muck about Inconvenience. Waste time. Behave ineffectually. 4. muck in Work. 5. muck in with Share living quarters and/or duties with. 6. muck up Spoil. Make… … A concise dictionary of English slang