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juxtaglomerular — ¦jəkstəˌ adjective Etymology: juxta + glomerular : situated near a kidney glomerulus juxtaglomerular cells … Useful english dictionary
juxtaglomerular tumor — juxtaglomerular cell tumor a rare benign tumor of renal juxtaglomerular cells in young men, causing hyperreninemia. Called also hemangiopericytoma of kidney and reninoma … Medical dictionary
juxtaglomerular cell — n any of a group of cells that are situated in the wall of each afferent arteriole of a kidney glomerulus near its point of entry adjacent to a macula densa and that produce and secrete renin … Medical dictionary
Juxtaglomerular apparatus — The juxtaglomerular apparatus is a microscopic structure in the kidney, which regulates the function of each nephron. The juxtaglomerular apparatus is named for its proximity to the glomerulus: it is found between the vascular pole of the renal… … Wikipedia
Juxtaglomerular apparatus — The prefix juxta comes from the Latin preposition meaning near, nearby, close. The juxtaglomerular apparatus is a collective term referring to the cells near a structure called the glomerulus in the kidney. The juxtaglomerular cells are… … Medical dictionary
Juxtaglomerular cell — In the kidney, the juxtaglomerular cells (JG cells, also known as granular cells) are cells that synthesize, store, and secrete the enzyme renin. They are specialized smooth muscle cells in the wall of the afferent arteriole that delivers blood… … Wikipedia
juxtaglomerular granules — stainable osmophilic secretory granules present in the juxtaglomerular cells, closely resembling zymogen granules … Medical dictionary
juxtaglomerular — Close to or adjoining a renal glomerulus. * * * jux·ta·glo·mer·u·lar glə mer (y)ə lər, glō adj situated near a kidney glomerulus * * * jux·ta·glo·mer·u·lar (juks″tə glo merґu lər) [juxta + glomerular] near or adjoining a renal… … Medical dictionary
juxtaglomerular — jux·ta·glomerular … English syllables
juxtaglomerular cells — specialized smooth muscle cells found in the tunica media of the afferent glomerular arterioles, containing secretory granules. They are the major structural component responsible for the release of renin and play a major role in renal… … Medical dictionary