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Vedic — may refer to:* the Vedas, the oldest preserved Indo Aryan texts ** Vedic Sanskrit, the language of these texts ** Vedic period, during which these texts were produced ** the Historical Vedic religion, of which the Vedas record the liturgy **… … Wikipedia
vedic — VÉDIC, Ă, vedici, ce, adj. referitor la vede, al vedelor. – Din fr. védique. Trimis de cornel, 13.08.2004. Sursa: DEX 98 védic adj. m., pl. védici; f. sg. védică, pl. védice … Dicționar Român
Vedic — 1840s, from VEDA (Cf. Veda) + IC (Cf. ic) … Etymology dictionary
Vedic — [vā′dik, vē′dik] adj. of the Vedas n. the Old Indic language of the Vedas, an early form of Sanskrit … English World dictionary
Vedic — /vay dik, vee /, adj. 1. of or pertaining to the Veda or Vedas. 2. of or pertaining to the Aryans who settled in India c1500 B.C., or to their literature or religion. n. 3. Also called Vedic Sanskrit. the language of the Veda, closely related to… … Universalium
Vedic Sanskrit grammar — is the oldest attested full case and tense system grammar of a language from the Indo European language family. Comparing with Classical Sanskrit, Vedic Sanskrit had a subjunctive absent in Panini s grammar and generally believed to have… … Wikipedia
Vedic mythology — refers to the mythological aspects of the historical Vedic religion and Vedic literature.It has directly contributed to the evolution and development of later Hinduism and Hindu mythology. The four Vedic Samhitas are part of the Hindu Śruti .… … Wikipedia
Vedic (1918) — Vedic p1 Schiffsdaten … Deutsch Wikipedia
Vedic meditation — (VM) is often mistakenly defined as Hindu Meditation. In fact, Vedic Meditation comes from the Veda the body of knowledge from ancient India that is the source of Yoga, Meditation, and Ayurvedic medicine and predates modern Hinduism.It can be… … Wikipedia
Vedic religion — may refer to:*the historical Vedic religion Vedic Hinduism (practices dating to the Vedic period) **Vedic mythology *Shrauta, surviving conservative traditions within HinduismIn wider meanings of the term Vedic *Vedanta *Hinduism in generalee… … Wikipedia
Vedic science — may refer to a number of disciplines, ancient and modern, Hindu, occultist or New Age, proto scientific, found in or based on the Vedas.;Vedic period *Vedanga, the six ancient disciplines subservient to the understanding and tradition of the… … Wikipedia