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Penutian languages — Infobox Language family name=Penutian altname=controversial region=North America child1=Chinookan child2=Plateau Penutian child3=Takelma child4=Kalapuyan child5=Alsean child6=Siuslaw child7=Coosan child8=Wintuan child9=Maiduan child10=Utian… … Wikipedia
Indigenous languages of the Americas — Yucatec Maya writing in the Dresden Codex, ca. 11–12th century, Chichen Itza Indigenous languages of the Americas are spoken by indigenous peoples from Alaska and Greenland to the southern tip of South America, encompassing the land masses which… … Wikipedia
Miwok — Infobox Ethnic group caption = A Sierra Miwok cedar bark umuucha cabin reproduction in Yosemite Valley. [Craig D. Bates Museum Anthropology 17(2):13 (June 1993)] group = Miwok People poptime = 1770: over 11,000 1910: 670 1930: 491 popplace =… … Wikipedia
Washo language — language name=Washo, Washoe nativename=Wasuu familycolor=American states=United States region=Nevada (Washoe County) speakers=USA: 252 (2000) fam1=Hokan iso2=was|iso3=wasThe Washo language (also Washoe) is an endangered Native American language… … Wikipedia
Acorn — The acorn is the nut of the oak tree (genera Quercus , Lithocarpus and Cyclobalanopsis , in the family Fagaceae). It is a nut, containing a single seed (rarely two seeds), enclosed in a tough, leathery shell, and borne in a cup shaped cupule.… … Wikipedia
Classification schemes for indigenous languages of the Americas — This article is a list of different language classification proposals developed for indigenous languages of the Americas. The article is divided into North, Central, and South America sections; however, the classifications do not always neatly… … Wikipedia
Wintu language — language name=Wintu nativename=wintʰu:h familycolor=American states=United States region=Shasta County, Trinity County, California speakers=5 fam1= Penutian iso3=wit|Wintu is an endangered Wintuan language spoken by the Wintu people of Northern… … Wikipedia
Yok-Utian languages — Infobox Language family name=Yok Utian altname=Hotian region=California familycolor=American family=Yok Utian child1=Yokutsan child2=Utian Yok Utian (also Hotian) is a hypothetical language family of California. It consists of the Yokutsan and… … Wikipedia
Miwok mythology — A coyote. The mythology of the Miwok Native Americans are myths of their world order, their creation stories and how things came to be created. Miwok myths suggest their spiritual and philosophical world view. In several different creation… … Wikipedia
Lenguas uti — Distribución geográfica: California Países: Estados Unidos … Wikipedia Español