Flynn effect

Flynn effect
The continuous worldwide increase in average scores on intelligence tests.

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  • Flynn effect — The Flynn effect is the rise of average Intelligence Quotient (IQ) test scores over the generations, an effect seen in most parts of the world, although at greatly varying rates. It is named after James R. Flynn, who did much to document it and… …   Wikipedia

  • Flynn — is a surname of Irish descent specifically meaning ruddy or in general reddish. It may refer to: People as a first name* Flynn Adam Atkins (also known as FLYNN), rapper and member of hip hop group LA Symphony * Flynn Taggart, a fictional… …   Wikipedia

  • Flynn-Effekt — Der Flynn Effekt bezeichnet die Tatsache, dass bis in die 1990er Jahre die Ergebnisse von IQ Tests in Industrieländern im Mittel immer höhere Werte erbrachten, die gemessene Intelligenz also offenbar zunahm. Dieser Trend wurde erstmals 1984 vom… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Flynn Gower — is an Australian musician who is the current guitarist and vocalist for the band Cog, and previously a guitarist in now defunct funk metal band The Hanging Tree.Past to PresentFlynn Gower (b.1972) initiated his career in the early to mid 90s… …   Wikipedia

  • Effet Flynn — James R. Flynn en juin 2007 On appelle effet Flynn l accroissement lent et que l on a quelque temps cru inexorable du rendement moyen à des tests de type QI observé depuis 100 ans dans les pays industrialisés. Ce qui se traduit dans la pratique… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • L'effet Flynn — Effet Flynn James R. Flynn en juin 2007 On appelle effet Flynn l accroissement lent et que l on a quelques temps cru inexorable du rendement moyen à des tests de type Q.I. observé depuis 100 ans dans les pays industrialisés. Ce qui se traduit… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Efecto Flynn — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El Efecto Flynn es la subida continua, año por año, de las puntuaciones de cociente intelectual, un efecto visto en la mayor parte del mundo, aunque con unas tasas de crecimiento que varían considerablemente. Fue… …   Wikipedia Español

  • James R. Flynn — James Robert Flynn (born 1934), aka Jim Flynn, Emeritus Professor of Political Studies at the University of Otago in Dunedin, New Zealand, researches intelligence and has become widely known for his discovery of the Flynn effect, the continued… …   Wikipedia

  • James R. Flynn — en juin 2007 Nom de naissance James R. Flynn …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Danny Flynn (printer) — Danny Flynn Danny Flynn, London, 2008 Nationality British Field Printing, Design, Typography …   Wikipedia

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