at latter Lammas

at latter Lammas

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  • latter lammas — noun Usage: usually capitalized 2d L Etymology: so called ironically from the fact that there is only one Lammas in a year : a day that will never come * * * Latter Lammas, a day that will never arrive because there is no second Lammas in the… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Geschehen — 1. Als dat geschaach1, da brannt de Baach2, do leschden de Boore met Strüh (Stroh). (Köln.) – Weyden, I, 3; Firmenich, I, 474, 130. 1) Altkölnisch für geschah. 2) Bach. – Um eine längst vergangene oder niemals dagewesene Zeit zu bezeichnen. (S.… …   Deutsches Sprichwörter-Lexikon

  • Nimmerleinstag — *1. Am Nimmerleinstage, wenn die ⇨ Eulen(s.d.) bocken, wenn der ⇨ Charfreitag(s.d.) auf den Gründonnerstag fällt, wenn die ⇨ Kuh(s.d. 622 624) einen Batzen gilt. – Eyering, I, 348; Sutor, 986. H. Heine in einem Brief an Jos. Lehmann (Paris, 5.… …   Deutsches Sprichwörter-Lexikon

  • Nimmhin — (s. ⇨ Dahastdu). Ein Nimmhin ist besser, denn zehen Gott berate dich (Gotthelf dir). – Petri, II, 218; Henisch, 323, 23; Sailer, 239; Körte, 4574; Braun, I, 3054; Masson, 318; Steiger, 5. Böhm.: Vydajnĕjší jest slovo na! nežli nadĕl pán bůh.… …   Deutsches Sprichwörter-Lexikon

  • Buxton, Norfolk — Buxton is a village in Norfolk, located between Norwich and Aylsham, Buxton is adjacent to the village of Lammas. The two villages are separated by the River Bure at Buxton Mill but are otherwise indistinguishable.Buxton s main claim to fame is… …   Wikipedia

  • Proto-Germanic language — Proto Germanic Spoken in Northern Europe Extinct evolved into Proto Norse, Gothic, Frankish and Ingvaeonic by the 4th century Language family Indo European …   Wikipedia

  • Witch trials in the Early Modern period — Punishments for witchcraft in 16th century Germany. Woodcut from Tengler s Laienspiegel, Mainz, 1508. The Witch trials in the Early Modern period were a period of witch hunts between the fifteenth and eighteenth centuries,[1] when across Early… …   Wikipedia

  • Connacht — Connachta / Cúige Chonnacht Flag …   Wikipedia

  • “Dunwich Horror, The“ —    Novelette (17,590 words); written in August 1928. First published in WT(April 1929); first collected in O; corrected text in DH; annotated version in An1and TD.    In the seedy area of Dunwich in “north central Massachusetts” live a number of… …   An H.P.Lovecraft encyclopedia

  • master —    Used as both a social and professional title, though the social use is now rare. It survives in Scotland, where the heir apparent of a Scottish peer is addressed as ‘Master’. Formerly, especially in rural dialects, ‘Master’ was used as a term… …   A dictionary of epithets and terms of address

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