dead-stick — [ded′stik΄] adj. designating a landing made by an aircraft or spacecraft without using power * * * … Universalium
dead-stick — [ded′stik΄] adj. designating a landing made by an aircraft or spacecraft without using power … English World dictionary
dead-stick landing — /ded stik / Aeron., Aerospace. a landing of an airplane or space vehicle with the engine cut off. [1930 35] * * * dead stick landing «DEHD STIHK», a landing of an aircraft with the engine off: »Gravity slows him and beckons him back to earth and… … Useful english dictionary
dead-stick landing — /ˌdɛd stɪk ˈlændɪŋ/ (say .ded stik landing) noun Aeronautics a landing made with a dead engine …
dead stick — noun : an airplane propeller that has ceased to revolve because the engine has stopped … Useful english dictionary
dead-stick landing — noun Date: circa 1917 a landing of an airplane or spacecraft made without power … New Collegiate Dictionary
dead-stick landing — /ded stik / Aeron., Aerospace. a landing of an airplane or space vehicle with the engine cut off. [1930 35] * * * … Universalium
Stick Cricket — is an Adobe Flash cricket game website. The game was developed originally by Cann Creative, a company from Sydney, Australia. Cann Creative later partnered with Advergamer, a company from London, England to further develop Stick Cricket into an… … Wikipedia
stick — [stik] n. [ME stikke < OE sticca, akin to Du stek, ON stik < IE base * steig , a point > STAKE, Frank * stakka, Gr stigma, L instigare, INSTIGATE] 1. a long, usually slender piece of wood; specif., a) a twig or small branch broken off or … English World dictionary
Dead Nation — Éditeur Sony Computer Entertainment Développeur Housemarque Date de sor … Wikipédia en Français