- blood bin
A temporary substitution for an visibly-bleeding player who must leave the field of play for first-aid treatment.
Wikipedia foundation.
Wikipedia foundation.
blood bin — /ˈblʌd bɪn/ (say blud bin) noun (in contact sports) an area set aside for players who are bleeding and who can return to the field when the bleeding is stopped …
Blood replacement — Rugby union= Blood replacements (also referred to as a blood substitution or Blood bin ) are provided for by Law 3.10 [http://www.irb.com/NR/rdonlyres/A1F47EAA EBD7 43F9 BD4F 64DC7368A6C2/0/060704LGLAWSEN 06 LAW3.pdf] of the International Rugby… … Wikipedia
blood replacement — noun A temporary substitution for an visibly bleeding player who must leave the field of play for first aid treatment. Syn: blood bin, blood substitution … Wiktionary
Blood libel — Blood libels are sensationalized allegations that a person or group engages in human sacrifice, often accompanied by the claim that the blood of victims is used in various rituals and/or acts of cannibalism. The alleged victims are often children … Wikipedia
Blood libel against Jews — Blood libels against Jews are false accusations that Jews use human blood in certain aspects of their religious rituals and holidays. Although the first known instance of blood libel against Jews was in the writings of Apion, an early 1st century … Wikipedia
Blood Chit — für den chinesischen Kriegsschauplatz Der Blood Chit (engl. Blood für Blut/Leben und Chit für Notiz) ist ein Ausrüstungsstück der militärischen Luftfahrt und wird für gewöhnlich von Piloten mitgeführt, deren Auftrag sie über feindliches oder… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Blood banana — A typical young specimen Scientific classification Kingdom … Wikipedia
Blood Fire Death — Studioalbum von Bathory … Deutsch Wikipedia
Blood atonement — This article is about the concept in Mormonism. For the blood atonement of Jesus, see Passion (Christianity). For blood atonement in the context of Israelite animal sacrifice, see Korban. Execution by firing squad of John D. Lee for his role in… … Wikipedia
Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat — Die „Blut, Schweiß und Tränen“ Rede (auch kurz „Blut, Schweiß und Tränen“; engl. „Blood, Sweat and Tears“) bzw. „Blut, Mühsal, Tränen und Schweiß“ Rede (engl. „Blood, toil, tears, and sweat“) ist der Name einer kurzen Ansprache, die der britische … Deutsch Wikipedia