
b) composed of semi-professional players
2. noun
a semi-professional sportsman or athlete

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  • semi-professional — 1897, from SEMI (Cf. semi ) + PROFESSIONAL (Cf. professional) (q.v.) …   Etymology dictionary

  • semi-professional — semi pro fessional sem|i|pro|fes|sion|al [ˌsemiprəˈfeʃənəl] adj also .semi pro AmE a semi professional sports player, musician etc is paid for doing that thing, but does not do it as their main job ▪ a semiprofessional boxer >semiprofessional… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Semi-professional — A semi professional athlete is one who is paid to play and thus is not an amateur, but for whom sport is not a full time occupation, generally because the level of pay is too low to make a reasonable living based solely upon that source, thus… …   Wikipedia

  • semi-professional — ADJ Semi professional sports players, musicians, and singers receive some money for playing their sport or for performing but they also have an ordinary job as well. ...a semi professional country musician... I played semi professional soccer for …   English dictionary

  • semi-professional — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms semi professional : singular semi professional plural semi professionals someone who is paid for playing sports, a musical instrument etc but who does not do it as their usual job Derived word: semi… …   English dictionary

  • semi-professional — adj. & n. adj. 1 receiving payment for an activity but not relying on it for a living. 2 involving semi professionals. n. a semi professional musician, sportsman, etc …   Useful english dictionary

  • semi-professional — adjective receiving payment for an activity but not relying on it for a living. noun a semi professional person …   English new terms dictionary

  • semi-professional — adjective semi professional player/footballer/musician etc someone who is paid for doing a sport etc, but does not do it as their main job …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • semi — semi·abstract; semi·abstraction; semi·aerial; semi·amphibious; semi·annual; semi·annually; semi·anthracite; semi·ape; semi·aquatic; semi·arboreal; semi·arch; semi·arid; semi·auto; semi·autonomous; semi·basement; semi·beam; semi·bejan;… …   English syllables

  • Professional sports — Professional sports, as opposed to amateur sports, are those in which athletes receive payment for their performance. While men have competed as professional athletes throughout much of modern history, only recently has it become common for women …   Wikipedia

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