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Alternative 3 — is a television programme, broadcast once only in the United Kingdom in 1977, and later broadcast in New Zealand, as a fictional hoax, an heir to Orson Welles radio production of The War of the Worlds . Purporting to be an investigation into… … Wikipedia
John L. Allen, Jr. — John L. Allen, Jr. (born 1965) is a journalist who specializes in news about the Roman Catholic Church. He is senior correspondent for the National Catholic Reporter, an independent weekly, and the Vatican analyst of CNN and NPR. BiographyAllen… … Wikipedia
Opus Dei: An Objective Look Behind the Myths and Reality of the Most Controversial Force in the Catholic Church — is a book written by American journalist John Allen, Jr. about the Prelature of the Holy Cross and Opus Dei. While the book received mixed reviews, there were more positive reviews than negative. Two journalists referred to it as widely… … Wikipedia