
An ancient kingdom in the valley of the upper Nile bordering present Egypt and Sudan.

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  • Nubia — • A detailed history of Nubia, with emphasis on the religious aspects (primarily Christian and Catholic) of its culture Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Nubia     Nubia      …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Nubia — steht für: Nubia (Titularerzbistum) Nubia See Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit demselben Wort bezeichneter Begriffe …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • nubia — nu bi*a, n. [From L. nubes cloud.] A light fabric of wool, worn on the head by women; a cloud. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Nubia — ultimately from a local word, said to be related to Coptic noubti to weave, or from Nubian nub gold. In the fashion sense woman s light scarf it is from French, from L. nubes cloud (see NUANCE (Cf. nuance)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • Nubia — [no͞o′bē ə, nyo͞o′bē ə] [ML < L Nubae, the Nubians < Gr Noubai] region & ancient kingdom in NE Africa, west of the Red Sea, in Egypt & Sudan …   English World dictionary

  • Nubia — This article is about the region in Africa, for other uses see Nubia (disambiguation). The Nubia region today Nubia is a region along the Nile river, which is located in northern Sudan and southern Egypt. There were a number of small Nubian… …   Wikipedia

  • Nubia — Celebración de una boda en Nubia. Los nubios tienen unos rasgos fisonómicos que lo distinguen del resto de los egipcios: pese a tener un tono de piel más oscuro, sus labios son más finos y sus ojos azulados. Nubia es la región situada en el sur… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Nubia — /nooh bee euh, nyooh /, n. 1. a region in S Egypt and the Sudan, N of Khartoum, extending from the Nile to the Red Sea. 2. Kingdom of, an ancient state in Nubia, 2000 B.C. A.D. 1400. 3. Lake. See Nasser, Lake. * * * Ancient region of the Nile… …   Universalium

  • nubia — /nooh bee euh, nyooh /, n. a light, knitted woolen head scarf for women. [1855 60; < L nub(es) a cloud + IA] * * * Ancient region of the Nile River valley, northeastern Africa. Its borders originally extended north to include Aswān and, before… …   Universalium

  • Nubia —    Modern name for the area of the Nile Valley and its adjacent region south of Elephantine. It became important to Egypt as a source of minerals and served as an intermediary between Egypt and sub Saharan Africa for luxury trade goods. Egyptian… …   Ancient Egypt

  • Nubia — En la actualidad, Nubia es la región más al sur de Egipto, que se extiende a lo largo del Nilo y por el norte de Sudán, aunque en tiempos antiguos era un reino independiente. Debido a la influencia yugoslava en la zona, el pueblo nubio tiene unos …   Enciclopedia Universal

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