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polyphasé — polyphasé, ée [ pɔlifaze ] adj. • 1891; de poly et phase ♦ Qui a plusieurs phases. Courants polyphasés : courants alternatifs à plusieurs phases. ⇒ biphasé, triphasé. ♢ Alimenté en courants polyphasés. Alternateur polyphasé. ● polyphasé,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Polyphase — can refer to: * Polyphase system, in electrical engineering * Polyphase matrix, in signal processing, used for polyphase filters and polyphase FFT (see Filter bank) … Wikipedia
Polyphase — Pol y*phase, a. [Poly + phase.] (Elec.) Having or producing two or more phases; multiphase; as, a polyphase machine, a machine producing two or more pressure waves of electro motive force, differing in phase; a polyphase current. [Webster 1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
polyphase — [päl′i fāz΄] adj. Elec. powered by equal AC voltages or currents that are out of phase … English World dictionary
polyphase — adjective Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary Date: 1891 having or producing two or more phases < a polyphase machine > < a polyphase current > … New Collegiate Dictionary
Polyphase coil — Polyphase coils are electrical coils (phases) connected together in a polyphase system such as a generator or motor. In modern systems the number of phases is usually three, or a multiple of three. Each phase carries a sinusoidal alternating… … Wikipedia
Polyphase matrix — In signal processing,a polyphase matrix is a matrix whose elements are filter masks.It represents a filter bank as it is usedin sub band coders alias discrete wavelet transforms.Gilbert Strang and Truong Nguyen. Wavelets and Filter Banks… … Wikipedia
Polyphase system — A polyphase system is a means of distributing alternating current electrical power. Polyphase systems have three or more energized electrical conductors carrying alternating currents with a definite time offset between the voltage waves in each… … Wikipedia
Polyphase merge sort — A polyphase merge sort is an algorithm which decreases the number of runs at every iteration of the main loop by merging runs in pairs. Typically, a merge sort splits items into groups then recursively sorts each group. Once the groups are sorted … Wikipedia
polyphase watthour meter — daugiafazis elektros skaitiklis statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. polyphase watthour meter; polyphase watthourmeter vok. Mehrphasenzähler, m; Vielphasenwattstundenzähler, m rus. многофазный счётчик энергии, m pranc. wattheuremètre… … Fizikos terminų žodynas
polyphase watthourmeter — daugiafazis elektros skaitiklis statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. polyphase watthour meter; polyphase watthourmeter vok. Mehrphasenzähler, m; Vielphasenwattstundenzähler, m rus. многофазный счётчик энергии, m pranc. wattheuremètre… … Fizikos terminų žodynas