- mediopassive voice
A grammatical voice in which the actor of a stative verb is not expressed. This is a special type of passive voice, which is the general phenomenon of the actor of a verb not being expressed.
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Mediopassive voice — The mediopassive voice is a grammatical voice which subsumes the meanings of both the middle voice and the passive voice. Languages of the Indo European family (and many others) typically have two or three voices of the three: active, middle, and … Wikipedia
Voice (grammar) — Grammatical categories Animacy Aspect Case Clusivity Definiteness Degree of comparison Evidentiality Focus … Wikipedia
mediopassive — I. “+ adjective Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary medi + passive : of, relating to, or being a form or voice of a transitive verb which by origin is of the middle voice or is reflexive and shows by its meaning that it is developing… … Useful english dictionary
Grammatical voice — In grammar, the voice (also called gender or diathesis) of a verb describes the relationship between the action (or state) that the verb expresses and the participants identified by its arguments (subject, object, etc.).When the subject is the… … Wikipedia
English passive voice — This article is about the passive voice in English. For the passive voice generally, including its use in other languages, see Passive voice. English grammar series English grammar Contraction Disputes in English grammar English compound English… … Wikipedia
middle voice — noun The form in which the subject of a verb performs some action upon itself. active voice: Fred shaved John. Syn: mediopassive voice … Wiktionary
Anatolian languages — Branch of the Indo European language family spoken in Anatolia in the 2nd–1st millennia BC. The attested Anatolian languages are Hittite, Palaic, Luwian (Luvian), Hieroglyphic Luwian, Lycian, and Lydian. Hittite, by far the most copiously… … Universalium
Proto-Germanic language — Proto Germanic Spoken in Northern Europe Extinct evolved into Proto Norse, Gothic, Frankish and Ingvaeonic by the 4th century Language family Indo European … Wikipedia
Reflexive verb — In grammar, a reflexive verb is a verb whose semantic agent and patient (typically represented syntactically by the subject and the direct object) are the same. For example, the English verb to perjure is reflexive, since one can only perjure… … Wikipedia
Anticausative verb — An anticausative verb is an intransitive verb that shows an event affecting its subject, while giving no semantic or syntactic indication of the cause of the event. The single argument of the anticausative verb (its subject) is a patient, that is … Wikipedia