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playoff — [plā′ôf΄] n. 1. a contest or series of contests played to break a tie 2. a contest played to decide a championship, as between the top finishers in the divisions of a league usually used in pl. 3. exhibition of a film * * * play·off also play off … Universalium
playoff — [plā′ôf΄] n. 1. a contest or series of contests played to break a tie 2. a contest played to decide a championship, as between the top finishers in the divisions of a league usually used in pl. 3. exhibition of a film … English World dictionary
Playoff — A playoff or final in sports is a game or series of games played after the regular season is over with the goal of determining a league champion, or a similar accolade.Playoffs consist of the teams that won the NL and AL division, plus the two… … Wikipedia
Playoff — Der Begriff Stichkampf bzw. englisch Play off (in Nordamerika generell ohne Bindestrich: Playoff) bezeichnet einen Ausscheidungskampf in einem Sportwettbewerb, durch den eine Meisterschaft entschieden wird (nicht zu verwechseln mit… … Deutsch Wikipedia
playoff — play|off [ pleı,ɔf ] noun * 1. ) playoffs plural a series of games played by the best teams in a sport in order to decide the final winner a ) count one of the games in a series of playoffs: a playoff game 2. ) count an extra game played to… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
playoff — s ( et, playoff) SPORT slutspel efter seriespel … Clue 9 Svensk Ordbok
playoff — {{#}}{{LM P30696}}{{〓}} {{[}}playoff{{]}} {{■}}(ing.){{□}} {{《}}▍ s.m.{{》}} {{♂}}En algunas competiciones deportivas,{{♀}} fase final o segunda fase de desempate. {{★}}{{\}}PRONUNCIACIÓN:{{/}} [pléiof]. {{★}}{{\}}ORTOGRAFÍA:{{/}} Por ser un… … Diccionario de uso del español actual con sinónimos y antónimos
playoff — atkrintamosios varžybos statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Varžybų dalis, po kurios tam tikrą žemiausių vietų skaičių užėmę sportininkai (komandos) arba tarpusavio mačą pralaimėjusios komandos iš tolesnių varžybų pasitraukia… … Sporto terminų žodynas
playoff — noun any final competition to determine a championship • Derivationally related forms: ↑play off • Hypernyms: ↑contest, ↑competition • Hyponyms: ↑World Series • Part Meronyms: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
Playoff MVP GET-ligaen — Playoff MVP GET ligaenA Norwegian ice hockey award which is awarded annually to the player judged most valuable to his team during the GET ligaen playoffs. It was first awarded in 2007.The trophy itself is much larger than the King s Cup which is … Wikipedia
Playoff format — There are several different playoff formats used in various levels of competition in sports and games. Some of the most common are the single elimination , the best of series, the total points series , and the round robin tournament .ingle… … Wikipedia