yoo hoo
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Yoo-hoo — is an American chocolate flavored beverage.HistoryYoo hoo originated in New Jersey in the 1920s, when Natale Olivieri sold Tru Fruit soft drinks in his small store. Olivieri discovered a process to produce a chocolate soft drink that would not… … Wikipedia
yoo-hoo — [ju: ˈhu:] interjection informal [Date: 1900 2000; Origin: A natural shout] used to attract someone s attention when they are a long way from you … Dictionary of contemporary English
yoo hoo — [ ju ,hu ] interjection INFORMAL a way of calling to someone to get their attention … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
yoo-hoo — exclamation to call attention, 1924 … Etymology dictionary
yoo-hoo — ☆ yoo hoo [yo͞o′ho͞o΄ ] interj., n. (a shout or call) used to attract someone s attention … English World dictionary
yoo hoo — UK [ˈjuː huː] US [ˈju ˌhu] interjection informal a way of calling to someone to get their attention Thesaurus: expressions used for telling someone to pay attentionsynonym … Useful english dictionary
yoo-hoo — /ˈju hu/ (say yooh hooh) interjection 1. (a call used to attract someone s attention.) –verb (t) (yoo hooed, yoo hooing) 2. to attract someone s attention by, or as if by, calling yoo hoo: we yoo hooed but he didn t hear …
yoo-hoo — /yooh hooh /, interj. 1. (used as an exclamation to get someone s attention, in calling to another person, or the like.) v.i. 2. to get or attempt to get someone s attention by or as if by calling yoo hoo : yoo hooing across the back fence.… … Universalium
yoo-hoo — {interj.} Used as an informal call or shout to a person to attract his attention. * /Louise opened the door and called Yoo hoo, Mother are you home? / See: ALL RIGHT FOR YOU, I M TELLING YOU, SAYS WHO or SAYS YOU, THAT S FOR YOU, WHAT HAVE YOU … Dictionary of American idioms
yoo-hoo — {interj.} Used as an informal call or shout to a person to attract his attention. * /Louise opened the door and called Yoo hoo, Mother are you home? / See: ALL RIGHT FOR YOU, I M TELLING YOU, SAYS WHO or SAYS YOU, THAT S FOR YOU, WHAT HAVE YOU … Dictionary of American idioms
yoo-hoo — interjection Used to call to someone at a distance or to gain someones attention. Choir! Choir! Yoo hoo! Choir, gather around, I have great news … Wiktionary