- nuzzler
One who nuzzles.
The puppy was an affectionate nuzzler, which was unfortunate as I was wearing a black suit.
Wikipedia foundation.
The puppy was an affectionate nuzzler, which was unfortunate as I was wearing a black suit.
Wikipedia foundation.
nuzzler — See nuzzle. * * * … Universalium
nuzzler — nÊŒzlÉ™(r) n. one who rubs with his nose … English contemporary dictionary
Magic Ruler — Infobox ygoexpansionset | Expansion Name = Magic Ruler Expansion Cover Card = Relinquished OCG Release Date = April 20, 2000 TCG Release Date = September 16, 2002 Mechanics = Ritual Magic and Monster Cards, Quick play Magic Cards, Toon monsters… … Wikipedia
nuzzle — [nuz′əl] vt. nuzzled, nuzzling [ME noselen < nose, NOSE + freq. elen] 1. to push against or rub with the nose, snout, muzzle, etc. 2. to root up with the nose or snout: said of a pig, etc. vi. 1. to push or rub with the nose, etc. against or… … English World dictionary