Sesquialterate — Sesquialteral Ses qui*al ter*al, Sesquialterate Ses qui*al ter*ate, a. [L. sesquialter once and a half; sesqui + alter other: cf. F. sesquialt[ e]re.] Once and a half times as great as another; having the ratio of one and a half to one. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
sesquialterate — … Useful english dictionary
Sesquialteral — Ses qui*al ter*al, Sesquialterate Ses qui*al ter*ate, a. [L. sesquialter once and a half; sesqui + alter other: cf. F. sesquialt[ e]re.] Once and a half times as great as another; having the ratio of one and a half to one. [1913 Webster]… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Sesquialteral ratio — Sesquialteral Ses qui*al ter*al, Sesquialterate Ses qui*al ter*ate, a. [L. sesquialter once and a half; sesqui + alter other: cf. F. sesquialt[ e]re.] Once and a half times as great as another; having the ratio of one and a half to one. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English