sweeten the pot

sweeten the pot
a) To increase a wager.

He sweetened the pot since there were no takers in the office pool.

b) To make something more desirable.

Beginning next year the museum will sweeten the pot for season pass members by offering them a 10% discount in the gift shop in addition to unlimited free admission.

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  • sweeten the pot — If you sweeten the pot, you increase the stakes or make something more desirable …   The small dictionary of idiomes

  • sweeten the pot — add to the total sum of bets made in poker ■ add an inducement, typically in the form of money or a concession he is trying to sweeten the pot, offering workers a 50 cent raise …   Useful english dictionary

  • sweeten the pot — add more good things, make it worth more    If we sweeten the pot with a trip to Paris, we ll sell more tickets …   English idioms

  • pot — pot1 potlike, adj. /pot/, n., v., potted, potting. n. 1. a container of earthenware, metal, etc., usually round and deep and having a handle or handles and often a lid, used for cooking, serving, and other purposes. 2. such a container with its… …   Universalium

  • sweeten — verb (sweetened; sweetening) Date: circa 1552 transitive verb 1. to make sweet 2. to soften the mood or attitude of 3. to make less painful or trying 4. to free from a harmful or undesirable quality or substance; especially to remove sulfur… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • sweeten — [swēt′ n] vt. 1. to make sweet with or as with sugar 2. to make pleasant or agreeable, as to the sense of smell 3. to counteract the acidic condition of (the soil, the stomach, etc.) 4. a) to mollify; appease b) Now Rare to alleviate; ease …   English World dictionary

  • up the ante — verb a) To raise the stakes of a hand of poker With three aces and two jacks, he thought it was safe to up the ante. b) To make something more desirable. The school system cannot raise teachers salaries, so they are providing better benefits as… …   Wiktionary

  • sweeten — /sweet n/, v.t. 1. to make sweet, as by adding sugar. 2. to make mild or kind; soften. 3. to lessen the acridity or pungency of (a food) by prolonged cooking. 4. to reduce the saltiness of (a food or dish) by diluting with water, milk, or other… …   Universalium

  • sweeten — sweet•en [[t]ˈswit n[/t]] v. t. 1) to make sweet, as by adding sugar 2) to make mild or kind; soften 3) to make (the breath, room air, etc.) sweet or fresh, as with a mouthwash or spray 4) chem. to make (the stomach, soil, etc.) less acidic, as… …   From formal English to slang

  • sweeten — /ˈswitn/ (say sweetn) verb (t) 1. to make sweet. 2. to make mild or kind; soften. 3. to make (the breath, air, etc.) sweet or fresh, as with a mouthwash, spray, etc. 4. to alleviate; make less disagreeable. 5. Colloquial to bribe. 6. Colloquial… …  

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