- heavenly bodies
a) plural of heavenly bodyb) often used in plural form to refer to the large/celestial bodies in outer space
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heavenly bodies — The heavenly bodies are the stars … The small dictionary of idiomes
heavenly bodies — plural noun The sun, moon, planets, comets, stars, etc • • • Main Entry: ↑heaven … Useful english dictionary
heavenly bodies — DEMONs of the world of darkness who cause all the misery and strife in the world. The Testament of Solomon identifies two groups of seven or 36 heavenly bodies who are demonic powers of the world. Tsol 8 describes the first group of seven.… … Encyclopedia of Demons and Demonology
heavenly bodies — The heavenly bodies are the stars. (Dorking School Dictionary) … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
Heavenly bodies — The heavenly bodies are the stars … Dictionary of English idioms
heavenly bodies — any of the objects seen in the sky (sun, moon, stars, etc.) … English contemporary dictionary
The Heavenly Bodies — Infobox Wrestling team article name= The Heavenly Bodies type= T caption= members=Vito DeNucci Chris Nelson names= former members=Tom Prichard Stan Lane Jimmy Del Ray debut=1992 disbanded= Prichard and Lane 1993 Prichard and Del Ray 1996 DeNucci… … Wikipedia
The Heavenly Bodies (1960s) — Do not to be confused with the more popular Heavenly Bodies which wrestled in SMW and WWF during the 1990s Infobox Wrestling team article name=The Heavenly Bodies type=T caption= members=Al Greene Don Greene names= former members= billed=… … Wikipedia
heavenly — O.E. heofonlic celestial; chaste; see HEAVEN (Cf. heaven) + LY (Cf. ly) (1). Meaning beautiful, divinely lovely is late 14c., often (though not originally) with reference to the celestial music of the spheres; weakened sense of excellent,… … Etymology dictionary
heavenly body — heavenly bodies N COUNT A heavenly body is a planet, star, moon, or other natural object in space … English dictionary