
noun /bæŋ.ɡlɜˈdɛʃ/
A country in South Asia. Official name: Peoples Republic of Bangladesh.

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  • Bangladesh — prop. n. An independent Asian country on teh Bay of Bengal that was once part of India and then part of Pakistan (called East Pakistan). Syn: Bangla Desh, East Pakistan. [WordNet 1.5] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Bangladesh — nation formed 1971 from former East Pakistan, from Bengali for Bengali country, from Bangla Bengali + desh country …   Etymology dictionary

  • Bangladesh — [bäŋ′glə desh′, baŋ΄glə desh′] country in S Asia, at the head of the Bay of Bengal: formerly (1955 71) the province of East Pakistan, it became independent (1971) & a member of the Commonwealth (1972): 57,295 sq mi (148,393 sq km); pop.… …   English World dictionary

  • Bangladesh — This article is about the People s Republic of Bangladesh. For other uses, see Bangladesh (disambiguation). Coordinates: 23°N 90°E / 23°N 90°E …   Wikipedia

  • Bangladesh — /bahng gleuh desh , bang /, n. republic in S Asia, N of the Bay of Bengal: a member of the Commonwealth of Nations; a former province of Pakistan. 125,340,261; 54,501 sq. mi. (141,158 sq. km). Cap.: Dhaka. Formerly, East Pakistan. * * *… …   Universalium

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  • Bangladesh — <p></p> <p></p> Introduction ::Bangladesh <p></p> Background: <p></p> Muslim conversions and settlement in the region now referred to as Bangladesh began in the 10th century, primarily from Arab and …   The World Factbook

  • Bangladesh — Bangladẹsh,     Kurzinformation:   Fläche: 147 570 km2   Einwohner: (2000) 128,3 Mio.   Hauptstadt: Dhaka   Amtssprache: Bengali   Nationalfeiertag: 26. 3.   …   Universal-Lexikon

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