- hopanoid
Any of a class of pentacyclic compounds, somewhat similar to steroids, that have various functions in prokaryotes
Wikipedia foundation.
Wikipedia foundation.
Hopanoid — Hopan – Grundgerüst mit 4 Sechsringen Hopanoide sind membranverstärkende Moleküle. Sie sind äußerst stabile Triterpene und bestehen aus 4 Sechsringen, einem Fünfring sowie Resten unterschiedlicher Kettenlänge. Sie besitzen damit eine strukturelle … Deutsch Wikipedia
Hopanoid — Ho|pa|no|id [↑ Hopan u. ↑ oid], das; s, e: ↑ Hopan … Universal-Lexikon
Hopanoids — are pentacyclic compounds similar to sterols, whose primary function is to improve plasma membrane fluidity in prokaryotes. Cholesterol serves a similar function in eukaryotes (including humans).cite book | author = Madigan M; Martinko J… … Wikipedia
Bacterial cell structure — Bacteria, despite their apparent simplicity, contain a well developed cell structure which is responsible for many of their unique biological properties. Many structural features are unique to bacteria and are not found among archaea or… … Wikipedia
Prenyltransferase — Pfam box Symbol = Prenyltrans Name = Prenyltransferase and squalene oxidase repeat width = caption = Pfam= PF00432 InterPro= IPR001330 SMART= PROSITE = PDOC00825 SCOP = 1sqc TCDB = OPM family= OPM protein= 1w6k PDB=PDB3|1w6kA:122 165… … Wikipedia
Hopanoide — Diplopteno, un compuesto hopanoide. Colesterol, un compuesto esterol. Los h … Wikipedia Español
hopane — noun A hopanoid hydrocarbon … Wiktionary
Michel Rohmer — Naissance 31 janvier 1948 (France) Nationalité français Champs Chimie Institution … Wikipédia en Français