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predictiveness — See predictability. * * * … Universalium
predictiveness — prɪ dɪktɪvnɪs n. quality of being indicative of future events, state of foretelling the future … English contemporary dictionary
Toxicology testing — Toxicology testing, also known as safety testing, is conducted by pharmaceutical companies testing drugs, or by contract animal testing facilities such as Huntingdon Life Sciences and Inveresk Research International on behalf of a wide variety of … Wikipedia
predictive — predictively, adv. predictiveness, n. /pri dik tiv/, adj. 1. of or pertaining to prediction: losing one s predictive power. 2. used or useful for predicting or foretelling the future: to look for predictive signs among the stars. 3. being an… … Universalium
predict — verb a) To state, or make something known in advance, especially using inference or special knowledge. How could I ever predict this could happen? b) To believe or hold to be true in advance; … Wiktionary
predictive — /prəˈdɪktɪv/ (say pruh diktiv) adjective having the character or quality of predicting or indicating the future. –predictively, adverb –predictiveness, noun …
ob|jec|ti|fi|ca|tion — «uhb JEHK tuh fuh KAY shuhn», noun. the act or process of objectifying or of making objective: »Texts which have so far failed to show predictiveness when subjected to objectification and quantification may still provide a maximum of information… … Useful english dictionary