Hellenistic Greek

Hellenistic Greek
Koine, the Greek language from the time of Alexander the Great (say 325 ) until the foundation of Constantinople (330 ).

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  • Greek literature — refers to those writings autochthonic to the areas of Greek influence, typically though not necessarily in one of the Greek dialects, throughout the whole period in which the Greek speaking peoples have existed.Ancient Greek literature (Before AD …   Wikipedia

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  • Greek language — Indo European language spoken mostly in Greece. Its history can be divided into four phases: Ancient Greek, Koine, Byzantine Greek, and Modern Greek. Ancient Greek is subdivided into Mycenaean Greek (14th–13th centuries BC) and Archaic and… …   Universalium

  • Greek — Greekdom, n. Greekish, adj. /greek/, adj. 1. of or pertaining to Greece, the Greeks, or their language. 2. pertaining to the Greek Orthodox Church. 3. noting or pertaining to the alphabetical script derived from a Semitic form of writing and… …   Universalium

  • Greek — /grik/ (say greek) adjective 1. of or relating to Greece, the Greeks, or their language. 2. relating to the Greek Church. –noun 3. a native or inhabitant of Greece. 4. the language of the ancient Greeks and any of the languages which have… …  

  • Greek temple — Greek temples (Ancient Greek: polytonic|ὁ ναός , gr. ho naós dwelling , semantically distinct from Latin la. templum temple ) were structures built to house the cult statues within Greek sanctuaries. The temples themselves did usually not… …   Wikipedia

  • Greek astronomy — is the astronomy of those who wrote in the Greek language in classical antiquity. It is understood to include the ancient Greek, Hellenistic, Greco Roman, and Late Antiquity eras. It is not limited geographically to Greece or to ethnic Greeks, as …   Wikipedia

  • Hellenistic Judaism — was a movement which existed in the Jewish diaspora before the Siege of Jerusalem in 70 AD, that sought to establish a Hebraic Jewish religious tradition within the culture and language of Hellenism.The major literary product of the contact of… …   Wikipedia

  • Hellenistic astrology — is a tradition of horoscopic astrology that was developed and practiced in Hellenistic Egypt and the Mediterranean, whose texts were written in Greek (or sometimes Latin), sometime around the late 2nd or early 1st century BCE. [ See David Pingree …   Wikipedia

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