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syntropic — (ˈ)sin., sən.+ adjective Etymology: syn + tropic : repeated symmetrically without being reversed syntropic ribs opposed to antitropic * * * syntropic, a. Anat. (sɪnˈtrɒpɪk) [f. Gr. σύν syn 1 + τροπος turning + … Useful english dictionary
syntropic — Relating to syntropy. * * * syn·tro·pic (sin troґpik) [syn + tropic] 1. turning or pointing in the same direction, as the ribs or the vertebral spinous processes. 2. denoting the correlation of several factors, as the relation of one disease to… … Medical dictionary
syntropic — syn·trop·ic … English syllables
Glossary of systems theory — A glossary of terms as relating to systems theory. [ Because systems language introduces many new terms essential to understanding how a system works, a glossary of many of the significant terms is developed.] NOTOC A* Adaptive capacity: An… … Wikipedia
syntropy — 1. The tendency sometimes seen in two diseases to coalesce into one. 2. The state of harmonious association with others. 3. In anatomy, a number of similar structures inclined in one general direction; e.g., the spinous processes of a series of… … Medical dictionary
antitropic — | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷|träpik adjective Etymology: anti (I) + tropic 1. : sinistrorse 2. : repeated and reversed symmetrically the corresponding limbs on the right and left sides of a vertebrate are antitropic opposed to … Useful english dictionary
syntrope — ˈsin.ˌtrōp noun ( s) Etymology: syn + trope : a syntropic part or appendage opposed to antitrope … Useful english dictionary
syntropy — ˈsin.trəpē noun ( es) Etymology: syn + tropy : the quality or state of being syntropic … Useful english dictionary