clove hitch

clove hitch
a bend formed by two half hitches in opposite directions, used to make a line fast to a spar or to a larger rope; it will not slip

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  • Clove hitch — Category Hitch Origin Ancient Related Slip …   Wikipedia

  • Clove hitch — Clove Clove, imp. of {Cleave}. Cleft. Spenser. [1913 Webster] {Clove hitch} (Naut.) See under {Hitch}. {Clove hook} (Naut.), an iron two part hook, with jaws overlapping, used in bending chain sheets to the clews of sails; called also {clip hook} …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • clove hitch — clove′ hitch n. navig. a knot used to fasten a rope to a pole or larger rope • Etymology: 1760–70; see clove III …   From formal English to slang

  • clove hitch — ► NOUN ▪ a knot by which a rope is secured by passing it twice round a spar or another rope that it crosses at right angles in such a way that both ends pass under the loop of rope at the front. ORIGIN clove, past tense of CLEAVE(Cf. ↑cleave)… …   English terms dictionary

  • clove hitch — n. a kind of knot used to fasten a rope around a spar, pole, or another rope: see KNOT1 …   English World dictionary

  • clove hitch — n. a knot by which a rope is secured by passing it twice round a spar or rope that it crosses at right angles. Etymology: old past part. of CLEAVE(1), as showing parallel separate lines * * * noun a knot used to fasten a line temporarily to a… …   Useful english dictionary

  • clove hitch — noun Etymology: Middle English cloven, clove divided, from past participle of clevien to cleave Date: circa 1769 a knot securing a rope temporarily to an object (as a post or spar) and consisting of a turn around the object, over the standing… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • clove hitch — noun a knot by which a rope is secured by passing it twice round a spar or another rope that it crosses at right angles in such a way that both ends pass under the loop of rope at the front. Origin C18: clove, past tense of cleave1 (because the… …   English new terms dictionary

  • clove hitch — a knot used to attach a boat, for example, to a post quickly. It is made by dropping two half hitches (see double half hitch) over and around the post. Various websites have animated steps showing how to tie this knot …   Dictionary of ichthyology

  • clove hitch — a knot or hitch for fastening a rope to a spar or larger rope, consisting of two half hitches made in opposite directions, the two parts of the rope emerging also in opposite directions. Also called builder s knot. See illus. under knot. [1760… …   Universalium

  • clove hitch — /ˈkloʊv hɪtʃ/ (say klohv hich) noun a form of hitch for fastening a rope around a spar, etc., in which two rounds of rope are crossed around the spar, with the ends of the rope issuing in opposite directions between the crossed parts …  

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