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Affine arithmetic — (AA) is a model for self validated numerical analysis. In AA, the quantities of interest are represented as affine combinations (affine forms) of certain primitive variables, which stand for sources of uncertainty in the data or approximations… … Wikipedia
affine — [ afin ] adj. • XXe; fém. de affin 1 ♦ Biol. Formes affines, présentant des ressemblances ne traduisant pas toujours des liens de parenté. Les sélaginelles sont affines aux lycopodes. 2 ♦ Math. Transformation affine : transformation dans le plan… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Affine geometry — is a form of geometry featuring the unique parallel line property (see the parallel postulate) but where the notion of angle is undefined and lengths cannot be compared in different directions (that is, Euclid s third and fourth postulates are… … Wikipedia
Affine shape adaptation — is a methodology for iteratively adapting the shape of the smoothing kernels in an affine group of smoothing kernels to the local image structure in neighbourhood region of a specific image point. Equivalently, affine shape adaptation can be… … Wikipedia
Affine Koordinaten — sind Koordinaten, die im mathematischen Teilgebiet der linearen Algebra einem Punkt eines n dimensionalen affinen Raumes bezüglich einer sogenannten affinen Punktbasis zugeordnet werden, das ist eine geordnete Menge von n + 1 Punkten des Raumes… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Affine — may refer to:*Affine cipher, a special case of the more general substitution cipher *Affine combination, a certain kind of constrained linear combination *Affine connection, a connection on the tangent bundle of a differentiable manifold *Affine… … Wikipedia
Affine Hülle — ist ein universeller Begriff aus der mathematischen Theorie der affinen Räume. Nahe verwandt ist der Begriff der linearen Hülle. Man nennt die affine Hülle auch Verbindungsraum vor allem dann, wenn die Teilmenge M selbst eine Vereinigung von zwei … Deutsch Wikipedia
Affine differential geometry — Affine differential geometry, as its name suggests, is a type of differential geometry. The basic difference between affine and Riemannian differential geometry is that in the affine case we introduce volume forms over a manifold instead of… … Wikipedia
AFFINE (APPLICATION) — AFFINE APPLICATI Soit E et F deux espaces vectoriels sur un corps commutatif K et A et B des espaces affines attachés à E et F. On dit qu’une application u de A dans B est une application linéaire affine (ou application affine) si, quelle que… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Affine logic — is a substructural logic that denies the structural rule of contraction. It can also be characterized as linear logic with weakening.Affine logic can be embedded into linear logic by rewriting the affine arrow A ightarrow B as the linear arrow A… … Wikipedia
Affine quantum group — is a common name of several objects in representation theory, which include Yangians and quantized universal enveloping algebras of affine Kac Moody Lie algebras (quantized affine algebras).Affine quantum groups were introduced by Vladimir… … Wikipedia