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  • Boniface IX —     Pope Boniface IX     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Pope Boniface IX     Elected at Rome, 2 November, 1389, as successor of the Roman Pope, Urban VI; d. there, 1 October, 1404. Piero (Perino, Pietro) Tomacelli came of an ancient but impoverished… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Boniface II —     Pope Boniface II     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Pope Boniface II     Elected 17 September, 530; died October, 532.     In calling him the son of Sigisbald, the Liber Pontificalis makes first mention of a pope s Germanic ancestry. Boniface… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Boniface — (französische Form von Bonifatius) ist der Name verschiedener Persönlichkeiten: Nachname: Saddique Boniface (* 1960), ghanaischer Politiker Vorname: Boniface Agambila, ghanaischer Politiker Boniface Alexandre (* 1936), haitianischer Richter und… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Boniface IV —     Pope St. Boniface IV     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Pope St. Boniface IV     Son of John, a physician, a Marsian from the province and town of Valeria; he succeeded Boniface III after a vacancy of over nine months; consecrated 25 August, 608;… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • boniface — ⇒BONIFACE, subst. et adj. Vx, littér. (Celui) qui est bon avec simplicité, qui est d une gentillesse un peu naïve : • 1. [La vieille Thiérachoise :] vous v s entendez à être gentil [envers votre femme] à c t heure. Jamais je ne vous ons connu… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Boniface V —     Pope Boniface V     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Pope Boniface V     A Neapolitan who succeeded Deusdedit after a vacancy of more than a year; consecrated 23 December, 619; d. 25 October, 625. Before his consecration Italy was disturbed by the… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Boniface — On trouve ce nom un peu partout en France, mais il est particulièrement représenté dans la Marne. C est un nom de baptême d origine latine (bonifacius = qui a bonne figure, ou plutôt bonifatius = qui a un bon destin). Saint Boniface était un… …   Noms de famille

  • Boniface VI —     Pope Boniface VI     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Pope Boniface VI     A Roman, elected in 896 by the Roman faction in a popular tumult, to succeed Formosus. He had twice incurred a sentence of deprivation of orders, as a subdeacon and as a… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • BONIFACE° — BONIFACE°, name of nine popes. Only the last two showed significant evidence of concern with the Jews of Europe. BONIFACE VIII 1294–1303, in his Jewish policy displayed an attitude substantially like that of his 13th century predecessors. In 1295 …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Boniface — innkeeper, 1803, from Will Boniface, character in George Farquhar s comedy The Beaux Stratagem (1707). Contrary to the common opinion, this name derives not from Latin bonifacius well doer, but from bonifatius, from bonum good and fatum fate. The …   Etymology dictionary

  • Boniface — [bän′ə fəs, bän′əfās΄] 1. Saint (born Winfrid or Wynfrith) (A.D. 675? 754?); Eng. monk & missionary in Germany: his day is June 5 2. Boniface VIII (born Benedetto Caetani) 1235? 1303; pope (1294 1303) …   English World dictionary

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