
Without flakes.

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  • flakeless — ˈflāklə̇s adjective : having no flakes : not tending to flake off a flakeless paint …   Useful english dictionary

  • flakeless — flake·less …   English syllables

  • List of vacuum tubes — This is a list of vacuum tubes or thermionic valves. Before the advent of semiconductor devices, hundreds of tube types were used in consumer and industrial electronics; today only a few types are still used in specialized applications. Contents… …   Wikipedia

  • flake — flake1 flakeless, adj. flaker, n. /flayk/, n., v., flaked, flaking. n. 1. a small, flat, thin piece, esp. one that has been or become detached from a larger piece or mass: flakes of old paint. 2. any small piece or mass: a flake of snow. 3. a… …   Universalium

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