tanker aircraft

tanker aircraft
A (generally military) airplane used to refuel a second aircraft during flight.

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  • Future Strategic Tanker Aircraft — (FSTA) is a UK project to provide aerial refueling (AR) and air transport (AT) for the Royal Air Force using a version of the Airbus A330 MRTT. The Royal Australian Air Force announced in April 2004 that they had selected Airbus to provide… …   Wikipedia

  • Future Strategic Tanker Aircraft — A 330 200 MRTT; hier ein Flugzeug der Royal Australian Air Force Future Strategic Tanker Aircraft (FSTA) ist die vorläufige Bezeichnung für das neue Tankflugzeug der britischen Royal Air Force. Als Ersatz für die bisherigen Vickers VC10 und… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • List of tanker aircraft — This is a list of tanker aircraft.AVRO Vulcan *Boeing KC 135 *Boeing KC 767 *Airbus A310 MRTT *Airbus A330 MRTT *Boeing KB 50 *Boeing KB 29 *Boeing KC 97 *Handley Page Victor *Lockheed KC 130 *Lockheed L1011 *McDonnell Douglas KC 10 *Ilyushin Il… …   Wikipedia

  • Tanker — can refer to:* Tanker (ship), a ship designed to carry bulk liquids ** Chemical tanker ** Oil tanker, also known as an petroleum tanker ** LNG carrier, a ship designed for transporting liquefied natural gas, sometimes known as a tanker * tank car …   Wikipedia

  • tanker — noun 1 ship carrying oil or petrol/gasoline ADJECTIVE ▪ giant, huge, large ▪ gas, oil TANKER + VERB ▪ carry sth, tra …   Collocations dictionary

  • Aircraft — An aircraft is a vehicle which is able to fly through the Earth s atmosphere or through any other atmosphere. Rocket vehicles are not aircraft if they are not supported by the surrounding air. All the human activity which surrounds aircraft is… …   Wikipedia

  • Tanker 910 — Type Douglas DC 10 10 Construction number 46942 Registration …   Wikipedia

  • tanker — [taŋ′kər] n. 1. a ship with large tanks in the hull for carrying a cargo of oil or other liquids 2. ☆ a) TANK CAR b) a truck, semitrailer, or trailer with a tank for transporting liquids, as gasoline, or dry commodities in bulk ☆ 3. an aircraft… …   English World dictionary

  • tanker — ► NOUN ▪ a ship, road vehicle, or aircraft for carrying liquids, especially mineral oils, in bulk …   English terms dictionary

  • Aircraft losses of the Vietnam War — There were a great many aircraft losses during the Vietnam War. Hundreds of U.S. fixed wing aircraft were lost to ground fire of antiaircraft artillery (AAA), surface to air missiles (SAMs), and fighter interceptors (MiG)s. The great majority of… …   Wikipedia

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