
noun /ˈbɛt.ə,ˈbet.ə,ˈbɛt.ɚ/
A person who makes a bet, such as a wager on the outcome of a game of chance or a sporting event.

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  • Bettor — Bet tor, n. One who bets; a better. Addison. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • bettor — I noun better, gambler, gamester, gentleman of fortune, hazarder, piker, player, player for stakes, plunger, punter, risk taker, sharper, speculatist, speculator, venturer, wagerer II index speculator Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton.… …   Law dictionary

  • bettor — (n.) also better (OED notes that English agent nouns in er tend to shift toward or as their senses become more specific), agent noun from BET (Cf. bet) (v.) …   Etymology dictionary

  • bettor — [bet′ər] n. a person who bets …   English World dictionary

  • bettor — Ⅰ. bet ► VERB (betting; past and past part. bet or betted) 1) risk money or property against another s on the basis of the outcome of an unpredictable event such as a race or game. 2) informal feel sure. ► NOUN 1) an act of bett …   English terms dictionary

  • bettor — or better noun Date: 1609 one that bets …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • bettor — /bet euhr/, n. a person who bets. Also, better. [1600 10; BET + OR2] * * * …   Universalium

  • bettor — Synonyms and related words: adventurer, betting ring, boneshaker, cardshark, cardsharp, cardsharper, compulsive gambler, crap shooter, gambler, gamester, hazarder, petty gambler, piker, player, plunger, punter, sharp, sharper, sharpie, speculator …   Moby Thesaurus

  • bettor — (US) Someone who places or has a bet. A Punter in the UK …   Equestrian sports dictionary

  • bettor — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. gambler, punter. See chance. II (Roget s Thesaurus II) also better noun One who bets: gambler, gamester, player. See GAMBLING …   English dictionary for students

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