
Not kenneled.

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  • unkennel — /un ken l/, v., unkenneled, unkenneling or (esp. Brit.) unkennelled, unkennelling. v.t. 1. to drive (a fox or other animal) from a den or lair. 2. to release from or as if from a kennel: to unkennel hounds before a hunt; to unkennel a gang of… …   Universalium

  • unkennel — /ʌnˈkɛnəl/ (say un kenuhl) verb (t) (unkennelled or, especially US, unkenneled, unkennelling or, especially US, unkenneling) 1. to drive or release from or as from, a kennel; dislodge. 2. Obsolete to bring to light. {un 2 + kennel} …  

  • unkennel — [unken′əl] vt. unkenneled or unkennelled, unkenneling or unkennelling 1. a) to drive from a den or hole b) to release from a kennel 2. to bring to light; uncover; disclose …   English World dictionary

  • un|ken|nel — «uhn KEHN uhl», verb, neled, nel|ing or (especially British) nelled, nel|ling. –v.t. 1. to let (a hound or hounds) out of the kennel. 2. Figurative. to force or drive out from hiding or concealment; bring to light: »to unkennel thi …   Useful english dictionary

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