Appenzell Inner Rhodes
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Appenzell Inner-Rhoden — ▪ half canton, Switzerland (German), French Appenzell Rhodes Intérieures , English Appenzell Inner Rhodes Halbkanton (demicanton), comprising the southern part of former Appenzell canton, northeastern Switzerland, at the north foot of… … Universalium
Appenzell (disambiguation) — Appenzell can refer to: *Appenzell, a region in Switzerland and former Swiss canton, which split 1597 into: **Appenzell Innerrhoden (Appenzell Inner Rhodes) **Appenzell Ausserrhoden (Appenzell Outer Rhodes) *Appenzell (district), the district of… … Wikipedia
Appenzell — geographical name former canton NE Switzerland, now divided into Appenzell Inner Rhodes (or German Appenzell Inner Rhoden) (capital Appenzell area 67 square miles or 174 square kilometers, population 13,656) & Appenzell Outer Rhodes (or German… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Appenzell Innerrhoden — Kanton Appenzell Innerrhoden Canton of Switzerland … Wikipedia
Appenzell Ausser-Rhoden — ▪ half canton, Switzerland (German), French Appenzell Rhodes Extérieures , English Appenzell Outer Rhodes Halbkanton (demicanton), comprising the northern and western parts of former Appenzell canton, northeastern Switzerland. It has an… … Universalium
Cantons of Switzerland — The 26 cantons of Switzerland are the states of the federal state of Switzerland. Each canton was a fully sovereign state with its own borders, army and currency until the establishment of the Swiss federal state in 1848. The most recently… … Wikipedia
Old Swiss Confederacy — Alte Eidgenossenschaft ↓ c. 1300 – 1798 … Wikipedia
List of Switzerland-related articles — This is a list of articles related to Switzerland. For articles about: * Cities, please check: List of cities in Switzerland * Municipalities, please check: List of municipalities of Switzerland * People, please check: List of Swiss people, and… … Wikipedia
National Council of Switzerland — German: Nationalrat French: Conseil National Italian: Consiglio Nazionale Romansh: Cussegl Naziunal … Wikipedia
Saint Gall (Sangallensis) — Saint Gall † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Saint Gall (The Diocese of Saint Gall; SANGALLENSIS) A Swiss bishopric directly subject to the Holy See. It includes the Canton of St. Gall and, as a temporary arrangement, the two half cantons … Catholic encyclopedia