
a) Marked by or having the nature of convulsions.
b) Having or producing convulsions.

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  • Convulsive — Con*vul sive, a. [Cf. F. convulsif.] Producing, or attended with, convulsions or spasms; characterized by convulsions; convulsionary. [1913 Webster] An irregular, convulsive movement may be necessary to throw off an irregular, convulsive disease …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • convulsive — (adj.) 1610s, from Fr. convulsif, from M.L. *convulsivus, from convulsus, pp. of convellere (see CONVULSE (Cf. convulse) (v.)). Related: Convulsively …   Etymology dictionary

  • convulsive — spasmodic, *fitful Contrasted words: *steady, uniform, even, equable, constant …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • convulsive — [kən vul′siv] adj. 1. having the nature of a convulsion 2. having, producing, or marked by convulsions convulsively adv. convulsiveness n …   English World dictionary

  • convulsive — ● convulsif, convulsive adjectif (de convulsion) Qui est caractérisé, accompagné par des convulsions : Maladie, toux convulsive. Qui a le caractère brusque, violent, involontaire des convulsions : Des gestes convulsifs. ● convulsif, convulsive… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • convulsive — Relating to convulsions; marked by or producing convulsions. * * * con·vul·sive kən vəl siv adj 1) constituting or producing a convulsion <convulsive disorders> 2) caused by or affected with convulsions <convulsive motions> <a… …   Medical dictionary

  • convulsive — con|vul|sive [kənˈvʌlsıv] adj [usually before noun] a convulsive movement or action is sudden, violent, and impossible to control ▪ a convulsive sob >convulsively adv ▪ Con s body jerked convulsively …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • convulsive — [[t]kənvʌ̱lsɪv[/t]] ADJ: usu ADJ n A convulsive movement or action is sudden and cannot be controlled. [FORMAL] She thought she could never stop until convulsive sobs racked her even more. Derived words: convulsively ADV ADV with v His arms and… …   English dictionary

  • convulsive — adjective Date: 1615 1. a. constituting or producing a convulsion b. caused by or affected with convulsions 2. resembling a convulsion in being violent, sudden, frantic, or spasmodic < convulsive laughter > Synonyms: see fitful …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • convulsive — convulsively, adv. convulsiveness, n. /keuhn vul siv/, adj. 1. of the nature of or characterized by convulsions or spasms. 2. producing or accompanied by convulsion: convulsive rage. [1605 15; < L convulsivus. See CONVULSE, IVE] Syn. 1. spasmodic …   Universalium

  • convulsive — adj. Convulsive is used with these nouns: ↑fit …   Collocations dictionary

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