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Hafiz — or Hafez (Arabic: حافظ ) may mean: Hafiz (Qur an), a term used by Muslims for people who have completely memorized the Qur an Hafiz Shirazi or Khwajeh Shams al Din Muhammad Hafez e Shirazi, an Iranian mystic and poet. Sometimes credited as Hafiz … Wikipedia
hafiz — ● hafiz nom masculin Musulman ayant appris le Coran par cœur. Hafiz (Mawlaya Abd al Hafîz) (1875 1937) sultan alaouite du Maroc (1907 1912). Fervent défenseur de la tradition, il se rebella contre son frère Abd al Aziz. En 1912, il abdiqua en… … Encyclopédie Universelle
hafiz — (del ár. and. «ḥáfiẓ») m. Guarda, inspector o conservador de algo. * * * hafiz. (Del ár. hisp. ḥáfiẓ, y este del ár. clás. ḥāfiẓ). m. Guarda, veedor, conservador … Enciclopedia Universal
hafiz — háfiz m DEFINICIJA 1. onaj koji zna Kur̕an napamet 2. mudar, iskusan čovjek ONOMASTIKA pr.: Háfizović (Banovina) ETIMOLOGIJA tur. ← arap. ḥāfiz … Hrvatski jezični portal
hafiz — [hä′fiz΄] n. [Ar ḥāfiz, a person who remembers] a Muslim who has memorized the Koran: a title of honor … English World dictionary
háfiz — m 1. {{001f}}onaj koji zna Kur’an napamet 2. {{001f}}mudar, iskusan čovjek ✧ {{001f}}tur. ← arap … Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika
Hafiz — Háfiz (1320 1389) DEFINICIJA najpopularniji perzijski pjesnik čiji su neki stihovi prerasli u poeziju cijelog naroda; lirske pjesme o ljubavi, vinu, uživanju prirodnih ljepota i mladosti … Hrvatski jezični portal
hafiz — (Del ár. hisp. ḥáfiẓ, y este del ár. clás. ḥāfiẓ). m. Guarda, veedor, conservador … Diccionario de la lengua española
Hafiz — [hä fiz′] (born Shams ud Din Mohammed) 1325? 90?; Pers. lyric poet … English World dictionary
Hafiz — Als Hafiz (arabisch حافظ ḥāfiẓ von حفظ „behüten“) bezeichnet man im Arabischen eine muslimische Person, die den gesamten Koran auswendig gelernt hat und oft auch zu bestimmten Gelegenheiten Abschnitte daraus rezitiert. Dieser Vortrag… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Hafiz — Para Hafiz, poeta persa del siglo XIV, véase Hafiz Shirazi Hafiz (del árabe حافظ ḥāfiẓ) es, en el islam, la persona que conoce de memoria el texto del Corán. El origen de la figura del hafiz se remonta a los primeros tiempos del islam y está… … Wikipedia Español