edaphic — [ē daf′ik, idaf′ik] adj. [< Gr edaphos, soil, earth, bottom (prob. < or akin to hedos, seat, chair < IE * sedos < base * sed , SIT) + IC] Ecol. pertaining to the chemical and physical characteristics of the soil, without reference to… … English World dictionary
Edaphic — In ecology, edaphic refers to plant communities that are distinguished by soil conditions rather than by the climate. Edaphic plant communities include:* Sandy soils: plant communities distinct to sandy, acidic, nutrient poor soils include the… … Wikipedia
edaphic factor — noun Any property of the soil, physical or chemical, that influences plants growing on that soil • • • Main Entry: ↑edaphic … Useful english dictionary
edaphic climax — noun : an ecological climax resulting from soil factors and commonly persisting through cycles of climatic and physiographic change compare physiographic climax * * * Ecol. a localized climax community that may differ from the surrounding climax… … Useful english dictionary
edaphic — adjective Etymology: Greek edaphos bottom, ground Date: circa 1900 1. of or relating to the soil 2. resulting from or influenced by the soil rather than the climate compare climatic 2 • edaphically adverb … New Collegiate Dictionary
edaphic — adj. [Gr. edaphos, soil] Relating to, or belonging to the soil or substratum … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
edaphic — edaphically, adv. /i daf ik/, adj. related to or caused by particular soil conditions, as of texture or drainage, rather than by physiographic or climatic factors. [ < G edaphisch (1898); see EDAPHON, IC] * * * … Universalium
edaphic — lit. of the soil. Any soil properties which affect plant growth and distribution … Geography glossary
edaphic — [ɪ dafɪk] adjective Ecology of, produced by, or influenced by the soil. Origin C19: coined in Ger. from Gk edaphos floor + ic … English new terms dictionary
edaphic — Relating to the soil environment, e.g. soil structure, quality, pH, etc … Expanded glossary of Cycad terms