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cunicular — ► adjetivo ZOOLOGÍA Del conejo o que tiene relación con él: ■ afecciones cuniculares. * * * cunicular (del lat. «cunicularis», de «cunicŭlus») adj. De [o del] conejo … Enciclopedia Universal
cunicular — cu|ni|cu|lar Mot Agut Adjectiu invariable … Diccionari Català-Català
cunicular — a. pertaining to underground passages or burrows; burrow dwelling … Dictionary of difficult words
cunicular — … Useful english dictionary
cuniculus — cunicular, adj. /kyooh nik yeuh leuhs/, n., pl. cuniculi / luy /. 1. a small conduit or burrow, as an underground drain or rabbit hole. 2. a low tunnel, as to a burial chamber. 3. Pathol. a burrow in the skin caused by the itch mite. [1660 70; … Universalium
Latin influence in English — English has been called a Germanic language with a Romance vocabulary. Estimates of native words (derived from Old English) in English range from 20% ndash;33%, with the rest made up of foreign borrowings. A large number of these borrowings are… … Wikipedia
conejo — (Del lat. cuniculus, madriguera.) ► sustantivo 1 ZOOLOGÍA Mamífero roedor muy común, de largas orejas, pelo generalmente gris y patas traseras más desarrolladas que las delanteras, que vive en madrigueras y suele domesticarse. (Oryctolagus… … Enciclopedia Universal