- dormitive virtue
A type of tautology in which an item is being explained in terms of the item itself, only put in different (usually more abstract) words.
Wikipedia foundation.
Wikipedia foundation.
dormitive principle — noun A type of tautology in which an item is being explained in terms of the item itself, only put in different (usually more abstract) words. We note Batesons (1968) dormitive principle at work in which behaviors are described as traits such as… … Wiktionary
VERTU — L’exigence de vertu s’ancre dans le désir de trouver une loi qui rendrait la répétition possible. Mais conquérir l’impassibilité, est ce devenir un dieu ou son servile imitateur? est ce promouvoir la vie ou bien l’étouffer? est ce conquérir le… … Encyclopédie Universelle