run the gauntlet

run the gauntlet
To undergo a series of tests or challenges.

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  • run the gauntlet — 1. To undergo the punishment of the gauntlet 2. To expose oneself to hostile treatment, harsh criticism or public disgrace • • • Main Entry: ↑gauntlet * * * run the gauntlet phrase to experience a difficult situation, for example a lot of… …   Useful english dictionary

  • run the gauntlet — also[gantlet] {v. phr.} 1. To be made to run between two lines of people facing each other and be hit by them with clubs or other weapons. * /Joe had to run the gauntlet as part of his initiation into the club./ 2. To face a hard test; bear a… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • run the gauntlet — also[gantlet] {v. phr.} 1. To be made to run between two lines of people facing each other and be hit by them with clubs or other weapons. * /Joe had to run the gauntlet as part of his initiation into the club./ 2. To face a hard test; bear a… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • run\ the\ gauntlet — • run the ga(u)ntlet v. phr. 1. To be made to run between two lines of people facing each other and be hit by them with clubs or other weapons. Joe had to run the gauntlet as part of his initiation into the club. 2. To face a hard test; bear a… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • run the gauntlet — If somebody is being criticised harshly by a lot of people, they are said to run the gauntlet …   The small dictionary of idiomes

  • run the gauntlet — run past the enemy, go through a dangerous area    After three job interviews, I felt like I d run the gauntlet …   English idioms

  • run the gauntlet — 1. to experience severe criticism or great difficulties. Every idea that is presented must run the gauntlet of the Review Committee, and such reviews are never pleasant. 2. to have to move by a line or group people trying to get your attention.… …   New idioms dictionary

  • run the gauntlet — to experience a difficult situation, for example a lot of questions, criticism, or attacks run the gauntlet of: It s either get a job or run the gauntlet of unemployment officials …   English dictionary

  • run the gauntlet — face a hard test or painful experience He had to run the gauntlet of many interviews before he got the job …   Idioms and examples

  • run the gauntlet —    If somebody is being criticised harshly by a lot of people, they are said to run the gauntlet.   (Dorking School Dictionary) …   English Idioms & idiomatic expressions

  • Run the gauntlet —   If somebody is being criticised harshly by a lot of people, they are said to run the gauntlet …   Dictionary of English idioms

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