
noun /məˈdʒɪʃən/
a) A person who plays with or practices allegedly supernatural magic.
b) A spiritualist or practitioner of mystic arts .
See Also: magic, magical, magically

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  • Magician — may refer to: Contents 1 Performers of magic 2 Books 3 Film and television …   Wikipedia

  • magician — MAGICIÁN, Ă, magicieni, e, s.m. şi f. Persoană care practică magia. ♦ fig. Artist desăvârşit, care obţine efecte deosebite prin arta sa. [pr.: ci an] – Din fr. magicien. Trimis de claudia, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98  MAGICIÁN s. v. vrăjitor.… …   Dicționar Român

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  • magician — (n.) late 14c., from O.Fr. magiciien magician, sorcerer, from magique (see MAGIC (Cf. magic) (n.)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • Magician — Ma*gi cian, n. [F. magicien. See {Magic}, n.] 1. One skilled in magic; one who practices the black art; an enchanter; a necromancer; a sorcerer or sorceress; a conjurer. [1913 Webster] 2. An entertainer who produces seemingly magical effects by… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • magician — [n] person who performs supernatural feats or tricks archimage, charmer, conjurer, diabolist, diviner, enchanter, enchantress, exorciser, exorcist, fortune teller, genie, genius, illusionist, marvel, medicine person, medium, miracle worker,… …   New thesaurus

  • magician — ► NOUN 1) a person with magical powers. 2) a conjuror …   English terms dictionary

  • magician — [mə jish′ən] n. [ME magicien < OFr] an expert in magic; specif., a) a sorcerer; wizard b) a performer skilled in sleight of hand, illusions, etc …   English World dictionary

  • magician — [[t]məʤɪ̱ʃ(ə)n[/t]] magicians 1) N COUNT A magician is a person who entertains people by doing magic tricks. Syn: conjurer 2) N COUNT In fairy stories, a magician is a person, usually a man, who has magic powers. 3) N COUNT: oft N of/with n… …   English dictionary

  • magician — noun 1) she imagined she was a magician Syn: sorcerer, sorceress, witch, wizard, warlock, enchanter, enchantress, necromancer, shaman 2) Houdini was a great magician Syn: conjuror, illusionist …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • magician — UK [məˈdʒɪʃ(ə)n] / US noun [countable] Word forms magician : singular magician plural magicians 1) someone whose job is to entertain people by performing magic tricks 2) someone who is believed to use magic to make impossible things happen …   English dictionary

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