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Sayyid — (auch Saiyid, Saiyed oder Sayed; arabisch سيّد; persisch: Seyed oder Seyyed , weibl.: Sayyida; türkisch: Seyyid; kurdisch: Seyîd, weibl.: Seyyîde; malaiisch: Syed) ist der Ehrentitel der Nachkommen Mohammeds, des Begründers des Islams, die … Deutsch Wikipedia
SAYYID (AL-) — SAYYID A ムMAD LUTFI AL (1872 1963) Journaliste, homme politique et penseur égyptien. Appartenant à une famille de notables terriens, A ムmad Lutfi al Sayyid fait des études de droit à l’École khédiviale du Caire (1889 1894). Un moment tenté par le … Encyclopédie Universelle
sayyid — ● sayyid nom masculin (mot arabe signifiant seigneur) Synonyme de chérif. ● sayyid (synonymes) nom masculin (mot arabe signifiant seigneur) Synonymes : chérif … Encyclopédie Universelle
sayyid — Muslim title of honor, applied to descendants of Hussein, Muhammad s grandson, 1788, from Arabic sayyid, lit. lord, chief … Etymology dictionary
sayyid — or sayid [sä′yid] n. [Ar sayyid] a Muslim title of respect, specif. for certain descendants of Mohammed … English World dictionary
Sayyid — For the Lost character, please see Sayid Jarrah Sayyid ( ar. سيد) (plural Saadah) is an honorific title that is given to males accepted as descendants of the Islamic prophet Muhammad through his grandsons, Hasan ibn Ali and Husayn ibn Ali, who… … Wikipedia
Sayyid — El texto que sigue es una traducción defectuosa o incompleta. Si quieres colaborar con Wikipedia, busca el artículo original y mejora o finaliza esta traducción. Puedes dar aviso al autor principal del artículo pegando el siguiente código en su… … Wikipedia Español
Sayyid — Ne doit pas être confondu avec Dynastie des Sayyîd. Sayyid (arabe : sayyid, سـيد, pluriel sāda, سادة, descendant du prophète ; seigneur) est un titre honorifique souvent donné pour des musulmans de haut rang. Le mot signifie… … Wikipédia en Français
sayyid — /sah yid, say id/, n. 1. (in Islamic countries) a supposed descendant of Muhammad through his grandson Hussein, the second son of his daughter Fatima. 2. a title of respect, esp. for royal personages. Also, said, sayed, sayid. [1780 90; < Ar:… … Universalium
Sayyid — (as used in expressions) Ahmad Kan, Sir Sayyid Fadlallah, (Ayatollah Sayyid) Muhammad Husayn Muhammad Ahmad ibn al Sayyid Abd Allah Mir Sayyid Ali Qutb, Sayyid Ibrahim Husayn Shadhili Sayyid QuTb Sayyid Said … Enciclopedia Universal
Sayyid Kazim Rashti — Sayyid Kāzim bin Qāsim al Ḥusaynī ar Rashtī or Siyyid Kázim (ArB|سيد كاظم بن قاسم الحسيني الرﺷتي) (1793 1843) was the son of Sayyid Qasim of Rasht, a town in northern Iran. He was appointed as the successor of Shaykh Ahmad al Ahsa i, and led the … Wikipedia