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Carcerand — A carcerand is a host molecule that completely entraps it guest so that it will not escape even at high temperatures. [ Shell closure of two cavitands forms carcerand complexes with components of the medium as permanent guests Donald J. Cram,… … Wikipedia
Carcerand — Car|ce|rạnd, der; en, en: ↑ Carcerant … Universal-Lexikon
Calixarene — A calixarene is a macrocycle or cyclic oligomer based on a hydroxyalkylation product of a phenol and an aldehyde [1] . The word calixarene is derived from calix or chalice because this type of molecule resembles a vase and from the word arene… … Wikipedia
Resorcinarene — A resorcinarene (also resorcarene or calix [4] resorcinarene) is a macrocycle, or a cyclic oligomer, based on the condensation of resorcinol (1,3 dihydroxybenzene) and an aldehyde. Resorcinarenes are a type of calixarene. ynthesisThe… … Wikipedia
-and — [ant], der; en, en <Suffix>: passivische Bedeutung; Basiswort meist ein Verb auf »ieren«> drückt aus, dass die im Basiswort genannte Tätigkeit an der so bezeichneten männlichen Person vollzogen wird /Ggs. ant/: Diplomand; Konfirmand;… … Universal-Lexikon
Carcerant — Car|ce|rạnt [Kunstw. aus lat. carcer = Kerker, Gefängnis u. ↑ ant], der; s, e, auch en, en; sprachlich inkorrekte S: Carcerand (↑ and) aus zwei ↑ Cavitanten synthetisierbares kugelförmiges Molekül (MG > 1400), das als ↑ Wirtmolekül fungieren… … Universal-Lexikon
cav|i|tand — «KAV uh tand», noun. a hollow molecule with one open end: »Cram can also combine a pair of his cavitands to form a closed hollow shell…a “carcerand” (Science News). ╂[< English cavit(y) + and, as in operand] … Useful english dictionary