Address Resolution Protocol
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Address resolution protocol — Pour les articles homonymes, voir ARP. Pile de protocoles 7 • Application 6 • … Wikipédia en Français
Address Resolution Protocol — [Abk. ARP, dt. »Adressauflösungsprotokoll«], ein Protokoll, das der Ermittlung einer Hardware Adresse in einem lokalen Netzwerk dient. Während im Internet Pakete anhand ihrer IP Adresse vermittelt werden, erfolgt in lokalen Netzen die… … Universal-Lexikon
Address Resolution Protocol — In computer networking, the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) is the method for finding a host s hardware address when only its Network Layer address is known. ARP is defined in RFC 826. [RFC 826 Address Resolution Protocol, a.k.a. STD 37] It is… … Wikipedia
Address Resolution Protocol — Pour les articles homonymes, voir ARP. Pile de protocoles 7. Application 6. … Wikipédia en Français
Address Resolution Protocol — ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) Familie: Internetprotokollfamilie Einsatzgebiet: Netzwerkadressenzuordnung ARP im TCP/IP‑Protokollstapel: Anwendung HTTP IMAP SMTP DNS … Deutsch Wikipedia
Address Resolution Protocol — ARP son las siglas en inglés de Address Resolution Protocol (Protocolo de resolución de direcciones). Es un protocolo de nivel de red (mismo nivel que IPV4 e IPV6) responsable de encontrar la dirección hardware (Ethernet MAC) que corresponde a… … Wikipedia Español
Address Resolution Protocol — ARP son las siglas en inglés de Address Resolution Protocol (Protocolo de resolución de direcciones). Es un protocolo de nivel de red responsable de encontrar la dirección hardware (Ethernet MAC) que corresponde a una determinada dirección IP.… … Enciclopedia Universal
Address Resolution Protocol — Abbreviated ARP. A protocol within TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) and AppleTalk networks that allows a host to find the physical address of a node on the same network when it knows only the target s logical or IP… … Dictionary of networking
Address Resolution Protocol — protocol which supplies addresses to workstations on a local area network … English contemporary dictionary
Address Resolution Protocol — (ARP) The protocol within TCP/IP that determines whether a data packet s source and destination are in Data Link Control (DLC) or Internet Protocol (IP) format. ARP is necessary for proper routing of data packets … IT glossary of terms, acronyms and abbreviations