
Resembling a flipper (appendage in marine mammals).

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  • bird — birdless, adj. /berrd/, n. 1. any warm blooded vertebrate of the class Aves, having a body covered with feathers, forelimbs modified into wings, scaly legs, a beak, and no teeth, and bearing young in a hard shelled egg. 2. a fowl or game bird. 3 …   Universalium

  • Bird — /berrd/, n. Larry, born 1956, U.S. basketball player. * * * I Any of the warm blooded, beaked vertebrates of the class Aves, including more than 9,600 living species. A covering of feathers distinguishes birds from all other animals. Birds have a …   Universalium

  • dugong — /dooh gong, gawng/, n. an herbivorous, aquatic mammal, Dugong dugon, of the Red Sea and Indian Ocean, having a barrel shaped body, flipperlike forelimbs, no hind limbs, and a triangular tail: widespread but rare. [1790 1800; < NL < G: first… …   Universalium

  • lobster — /lob steuhr/, n., pl. (esp. collectively) lobster, (esp. referring to two or more kinds or species) lobsters. 1. any of various large, edible, marine, usually dull green, stalk eyed decapod crustaceans of the family Homaridae, esp. of the genus… …   Universalium

  • penguin — /peng gwin, pen /, n. Ornith. 1. any of several flightless, aquatic birds of the family Spheniscidae, of the Southern Hemisphere, having webbed feet and wings reduced to flippers. 2. Obs. See great auk. [1570 80; orig. uncert.; perh. < Welsh pen… …   Universalium

  • sea otter — a marine otter, Enhydra lutris, of the shores of the northern Pacific, with a very valuable fur: now greatly reduced in number and rare in many areas. [1655 65] * * * or great sea otter Rare, completely marine otter (Enhydra lutris) of the… …   Universalium

  • pitted shell turtle — also called  fly river turtle,  New Guinea plateless turtle,  or  pig nosed turtle        (species Carettochelys insculpta), any member of a single species in the turtle family Carettochelyidae. The species lives in rivers in southern New Guinea… …   Universalium

  • phocomelia — [fō΄kō mē′lē ə, fō΄kōmēl′yə] n. [ModL < Gr phōkē, a seal + ModL melia, a condition of limbs < Gr melos, limb] the congenital absence or abnormal shortening of arms or legs, often with only short, flipperlike limbs projecting from the body… …   English World dictionary

  • sea cow — n. any of an order (Sirenia) of large, vegetarian sea mammals with a cigar shaped body, a blunt snout, large, mobile lips, flipperlike forelimbs, and a tail fluke, consisting of the dugong and manatee …   English World dictionary

  • skin diving — n. underwater swimming in which the swimmer, without lines to the surface, is variously equipped with a face mask, flipperlike footgear, scuba equipment, etc. skin dive [skindīv΄] vi. skin dived, skin diving skin diver n …   English World dictionary

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