- Via Dolorosa
a) The route believed to have been taken through Jerusalem by on his way to Calvary.b) The Way of the Cross.
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Wikipedia foundation.
Via Dolorosa — (Latin for Way of Grief or Way of Suffering ) is a street in the Old City of Jerusalem. Traditionally, it is held to be the path that Jesus walked on the way to his crucifixion. It is marked by nine of the fourteen Stations of the Cross. The last … Wikipedia
Via dolorōsa — Via dolorōsa, Weg, auf welchem Jesus vom Ölberg bis nach Golgatha seinen Leidensweg gegangen sein soll, s. Jerusalem S. 792, vgl. Statio 11). Solche Wege, als Nachahmungen des Leidensweges Jesu, finden sich nach Gottesäckern in Nürnberg, Görlitz … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Via dolorōsa — (lat., »Schmerzensweg«), Bezeichnung des Leidensweges Jesu … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Via Dolorosa — • Historical background on this devotion Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006 … Catholic encyclopedia
Via dolorosa — (izg. vȉja dolorȏza) ž DEFINICIJA kršć. danas vijugava uska ulica u staroj jezgri Jeruzalema koja polazi od tvrđave Antonije (gdje je Poncije Pilat osudio Isusa na smrt) i vodi do crkve Sv. groba; prema predaji, to je put s postajama na kojima se … Hrvatski jezični portal
Via Dolorosa — 31°46′45.84″N 35°13′55.46″E / 31.7794, 35.2320722 … Wikipédia en Français
Via Dolorosa — Passionsspiel in der Via Dolorosa mit Presseaufgebot, 2005 Die Via Dolorosa (lat. Der schmerzhafte Weg, Leidensweg) (arabisch طريق الآلام … Deutsch Wikipedia
Vía Dolorosa — La Vía Dolorosa es una calle de la Ciudad Vieja de Jerusalén. Dicha calle se ha tomado, tradicionalmente, como parte del itinerario que tomó Cristo, cargando con la Cruz, camino de su crucifixión. En la misma se encuentran marcadas nueve de las… … Wikipedia Español
Via Dolorosa — Виа Долороза, Иерусалим Виа Долороза (лат. Via Dolorosa, букв. «Путь Скорби») улица в Старом Иерусалиме, по которой, как считается, пролегал путь Иисуса Христа к месту распятия. На Виа Долороза находятся девять из четырнадцати остановок… … Википедия
via dolorosa — ˌdäləˈrōsə, ˌdōl noun Etymology: from Via Dolorosa (from Latin, literally, sorrowful road), Jesus route from Pilate s judgment hall to Golgotha to be crucified : a painfully difficult route, passage, or series of experiences an epoch which… … Useful english dictionary
via dolorosa — /dol euh roh seuh, doh leuh / 1. (caps.) Christ s route to Golgotha. 2. a trying, painful, or sorrowful course or series of experiences. [ < L via dolorosa lit., sorrowful road] * * * … Universalium