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medulla — /meuh dul euh/, n., pl. medullas, medullae / dul ee/. 1. Anat. a. the marrow of the bones. b. the soft, marrowlike center of an organ, as the kidney or adrenal gland. c. See medulla oblongata. 2. Bot. the pith of plants. [1635 45; < L: marrow,… … Universalium
myeloid — /muy euh loyd /, adj. Anat. 1. pertaining to the spinal cord. 2. marrowlike. 3. pertaining to marrow. [1855 60; MYEL + OID] * * * … Universalium
medullary substance — 1. substantia alba. 2. the soft, marrowlike substance of the interior of an organ; see entries under medulla … Medical dictionary
medulla — me•dul•la [[t]məˈdʌl ə[/t]] n. pl. dul•las, dul•lae [[t] ˈdʌl i[/t]] 1) anat. a) the marrow of the bones b) the soft marrowlike center of an organ, as the kidney or adrenal gland c) medulla oblongata 2) bot the pith of plants • Etymology:… … From formal English to slang