- opsonin
Any antibody that causes an invading species to be more susceptible to phagocytosis
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opsonin — opsònīn m <G opsonína> DEFINICIJA fiziol. antitijelo koje kao dio krvne tekućine omogućuje bijelim krvnim zrncima uništavanje mikroba koji su prodrli u organizam, na čemu se temelji cijepljenje ETIMOLOGIJA grč. ópson: hrana + in … Hrvatski jezični portal
opsonin — [äp′sə nin] n. [obs. opson(ium), relish (< L < Gr opsōnion, food, provisions < opsōnein, to buy food < opson, meat or any food eaten with bread < o , together with + * psōn, food, bread, akin to psōmos, mouthful) + IN1] a substance … English World dictionary
Opsonin — Action of opsonins; a phagocytic cell recognises the opsonin on the surface of an antigen An opsonin is any molecule that targets an antigen for an immune response. However, the term is usually used in reference to molecules that act as a binding … Wikipedia
opsonin — noun Etymology: Latin opsonare to buy provisions, cater (from Greek opsōnein) + English 1 in more at oligopsony Date: 1903 any of various proteins (as antibodies or complement) that bind to foreign particles and cells (as bacteria) making them… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Opsonin — Opsonine sind im Körper vorkommende Proteine, die einen Teil der Immunantwort darstellen. Opsonine können entweder Antikörper oder Komplementfaktoren sein, die die Verknüpfung von Phagozyten an Bakterienzellen oder andere Mikroorganismen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
opsonin — Substance that binds to the surface of a particle and enhances the uptake of the particle by a phagocyte. Probably the most important in mammals derive from complement (C3b or C3bi) or immunoglobulins (which are bound through the Fc receptor) … Dictionary of molecular biology
opsonin — opsonoid, adj. /op seuh nin/, n. Immunol. a constituent of normal or immune blood serum that makes invading bacteria more susceptible to the destructive action of the phagocytes. [1900 05; < L opson(ium) victuals ( < Gk opsonía, deriv. of… … Universalium
opsonin — Any blood serum protein that binds to antigens, enhancing phagocytosis ( e.g., C3b of the complement system, specific antibodies). [G. opson, boiled meat, provisions, fr. hepso, to boil, + in] common o. SYN: normal o.. immune o … Medical dictionary
Opsonin — Op|so|nin [griech. ópson = Fleisch, Speise; ↑ in (3)], das; s, e: veralteter Name für ↑ Fibronectine, deren Anbindung an eingedrungene Bakterien oder Zellen man als Opsonierung bezeichnete. * * * Op|so|nin, das; s, e <meist Pl.> [zu griech … Universal-Lexikon
Opsonin — Op|so|nin 〈n.; Gen.: s, Pl.: e; Med.; meist Pl.〉 körpereigener Stoff, der sich zur Infektionsabwehr an die eingedrungenen Bakterien, Pilze u. Ä. anlagert … Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch