stress puppy

stress puppy
A person who seemingly thrives on stress, but constantly complains about it

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  • stress puppy — n. A person who thrives on stress, yet complains about it constantly. Example Citation: As a nation we have metamorphosed into the walking, climbing, rambling caravanning bonkers land. The living endorsement of every good communist poster of the… …   New words

  • stress portfolio — (STRES port.foh.lee.oh) n. The collection of events and situations that cause stress in a person s life. Example Citation: Thanks to economic turmoil abroad, gyrating U.S. markets and stepped up corporate retrenchment, a new wave of job angst is… …   New words

  • Puppy mill — A puppy mill in rural US A puppy mill, sometimes known as a puppy farm,[1] is a commercial dog breeding facility that is operated with an emphasis upon profits above animal welfare and is often in substandard conditions regarding the well being… …   Wikipedia

  • upshifter — (UP.shift.ur) n. A person who takes on a fast paced, high stress job after having previously retired or moved to a low stress job. adj. upshift v. upshifting pp. Example Citation: Christine retrained as a barrister and has been practising in East …   New words

  • technology-related anxiety — n. Anxiety caused by technology, particularly computers and computer software. Also: TRA. Example Citation: Gladeana McMahon, of the Centre for Stress Management, says: The average person isn t a high tech genius. Only the young have been brought …   New words

  • Web rage — n. Extreme anger caused by World Wide Web frustrations such slow downloads, nonexistent links, and information that is difficult to find. Example Citation: Stress management consultants have identified a new phenomenon as more people using the… …   New words

  • boreout — n. Physical or emotional exhaustion and feelings of depression or disillusionment caused by being underemployed at work. [Cf. burnout.] Example Citations: The resulting profile of a boreout victim is remarkably similar to characters such as Tim… …   New words

  • go postal — v. To become extremely angry, possibly to the point of violence. going postal pp. Example Citations: People in domestic disputes get crazy. When kids and spouses are at stake, folks go postal, grab knives, get looney. Fred Reed, A domestic… …   New words

  • work rage — n. Extreme workplace anger exhibited by an employee who has been mistreated or fired. Example Citation: Not all the rage happens on the road, spewed by people making their way to and from work. Social scientists are measuring air rage in the sky …   New words

  • Anger and Anxiety — afflufemza agonism air rage alpha girl amygdala hijack anti fan arsenic hour bikelash …   New words

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