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arabist — ARABÍST, arabişti, s.m. Specialist în arabistică. – Din germ. Arabist. Trimis de ana zecheru, 08.03.2004. Sursa: DEX 98 arabíst s. m., pl. arabíşti Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic ARABÍ//ST arabiststă (arabistşti,… … Dicționar Român
Arabist — Ar a*bist, n. [Cf. F. Arabiste.] One well versed in the Arabic language or literature; also, formerly, one who followed the Arabic system of surgery. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Arabíst — Arabíst, Kenner des Arabischen … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
arabist — aràbist m DEFINICIJA stručnjak koji se bavi arabistikom ETIMOLOGIJA vidi Arapin … Hrvatski jezični portal
Arabist — [ar′ə bist, er′ə bist] n. a specialist in the study of the Arabic language or of Arabic literature, culture, etc … English World dictionary
Arabist — This is an article about the western scholars known as Arabists, not the political movement Pan Arabism. An Arabist is someone (normally from outside the Arabic speaking world) who specialises in the study of the Arabic language and Arab culture … Wikipedia
Arabist — [[t]æ̱rəbɪst[/t]] Arabists N COUNT An Arabist is a person who supports Arab interests or knows a lot about the Arabic language. ...a leading Arabist … English dictionary
Arabist (political) — As used in modern political discourse in some quarters, Arabist refers a generally non Arab specialist in Arabic language or culture perceived to be excessively sympathetic towards Arabic culture and political views. Accusations of bias appear to … Wikipedia
Arabist — noun Date: 1753 1. a specialist in the Arabic language or in Arabic culture 2. a person who favors Arab interests and positions in international affairs … New Collegiate Dictionary
Arabist — Die Arabistik (arabische Philologie) ist die Wissenschaft von der arabischen Sprache und dem arabischen Schrifttum. Die Arabistik ist Teil der Orientalistik und eng mit der Islamwissenschaft verbunden. Der sprachwissenschaftliche Teil befasst… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Arabist — /ar euh bist/, n. 1. a person who specializes in or studies the Arabic language or Arab culture. 2. a supporter of Arab interests, esp. in international affairs. [1745 55; ARAB + IST] * * * … Universalium