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Ship model — This article is concerned primarily with static models. For operating models see model yachting or radio controlled boat, Model of a 19th century vessel in the Bishop Museum, Hawaii … Wikipedia
Seamanship — is the art of operating a ship or boat. It involves a knowledge of a variety of topics and development of specialised skills including: navigation and international maritime law; weather, meteorology and forecasting; watchstanding; ship handling… … Wikipedia
Scale model — A scale model of the Tower of London. This model can be found inside the tower … Wikipedia
Alan Villiers — Captain Alan John Villiers (23 September 1903 – 3 March 1982) was an author, adventurer, photographer and Master Mariner.Born in Melbourne, Australia, he first went to sea at 15 and sailed all the world s oceans on board traditionally rigged… … Wikipedia
Ernest M. McSorley — Ernest Michael McSorley (September 29, 1912 ndash; November 10, 1975) was the last captain of the ill fated Laker type freighter SS Edmund Fitzgerald . McSorley died, along with the other 28 members of his crew, when the Fitzgerald sank suddenly… … Wikipedia
Port Revel — The Port Revel Shiphandling Training Centre is a French maritime pilotage school specializing in training for pilots, masters, and officers on large ships like supertankers, container ships, LNG carriers and cruise ships . The facility uses… … Wikipedia
Similitude of ship models — Manned models Many research workers, hydraulics specialists and engineers have used scale models for over a century, in particular in towing tanks. Manned models are small scale models that can carry and be handled by at least one person on an… … Wikipedia
Военные периодические издания — ВОЕННЫЯ ПЕРІОДИЧЕСКІЯ ИЗДАНІЯ. (По даннымъ 1911 г.) Русскія. Офиціальныя изданія: Приказы по воен. вѣдомству и Циркуляры гл. штаба ; Сб. прик. и цирк. о личн. составѣ чиновъ мор. вѣдомства (изд. гл. морск. шт.) съ прилож. списка личн. состава… … Военная энциклопедия