
noun /wɪkə/
A neo-pagan religion and religious movement first popularised in 1954 by British civil servant , involving the worship of God and Goddess and the observance of eight Sabbats.

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  • Wicca — Wic ca (w[i^]k k[.a]), prop. n. [OE. wicche wizard, AS. wicce, fem., wicca, masc.; see also {witch} and {wicked}.] 1. A religion derived from pre Christian times, also called {Witchcraft}[4], which practices a benevolent reverence for nature, and …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Wicca — Wic ca (w[i^]k k[.a]), prop. n. [OE. wicche wizard, AS. wicce, fem., wicca, masc.; see also {witch} and {wicked}.] 1. A religion derived from pre Christian times, also called {Witchcraft}[4], which practices a benevolent reverence for nature, and …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Wicca — An Old English masc. noun meaning male witch, wizard, soothsayer, sorcerer, magician; see WITCH (Cf. witch). Use of the word in modern contexts traces to English folklorist Gerald Gardner (1884 1964), who is said to have joined circa 1939 an… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Wicca — ► NOUN ▪ the religious cult of modern witchcraft. DERIVATIVES Wiccan adjective & noun. ORIGIN Old English, «witch» …   English terms dictionary

  • Wicca — [wik′ə] n. [OE, sorcerer (fem. wicce): see WITCH] a form of witchcraft practiced in the 20th cent. esp. in English speaking countries, characterized by pagan nature worship and white magic: sometimes with the Wiccan [wik′ən] adj …   English World dictionary

  • Wicca — Das Pentakel, ein Symbol, das auch von der Wicca Religion verwendet wird Wicca [ˈwɪkə] ist eine neureligiöse Bewegung[1] und versteht sich als eine wiederbelebte Naturreligion und als …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Wicca — This article is about the duotheistic religion. For other uses, see Wicca (disambiguation). This pentacle, worn as a pendant, depicts a pentagram, or five pointed star, used as a symbol of Wicca by many adherents. Wicca (pronounced  …   Wikipedia

  • Wicca — La Wicca est une religion, basée sur l Ancienne Religion. Elle est en général considérée comme une philosophie. Elle inclut des éléments que l on peut trouver dans nombre de croyances telles que le chamanisme, le druidisme, et les mythologies… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Wicca — El pentáculo (un pentagrama dentro de un círculo) es un símbolo de fe usado por muchos wiccanos Wicca Fundador Gerald Gardner sobre 1953 …   Wikipedia Español

  • Wicca — Пентаграмма, символ веры, используется многими викканами. Викка (англ. Wicca)  неоязыческая религия, основанная на почитании природы[1] . Она стала популярна в 1954 году благодаря Джеральду Гарднеру, английскому государственному служащему в… …   Википедия

  • wicca — /wik euh/, n. (sometimes cap.) witchcraft, esp. benevolent, nature oriented practices derived from pre Christian religions. [1970 75; < OE wicca (male) sorcerer (ME wicche, mod. dial. witch); see WITCH] * * * Modern Western witchcraft movement.… …   Universalium

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